THIRDED!!!!11 I've seen Pictureboard registered on.. .the... register... thingy. *throws arm* But I didn't know that. EDIT: if LP had ALL the old demos, why didn't they source that instead of redownloading a low quality version of Reading My Eyes O_O Time?
The real question is...are they back to being all part of the same package (LPU9) or are they still separate? .
I am going to assume it will be together this year. I really don't know. Wasn't the only thing separate this time the CD?
Yeah, the CD was the only thing that was separate, which I've always assumed was just a matter of logistics since the CD was released way before the rest of the package was.
Dreams dashed again, Makes no sense to put the CD in LPUX as many people had already bought it. And now it wouldn't make sense to keep them separate.
I'd rather demo's from A Thousand Suns. They had a lot of new styles and sounds going for them, and I want to hear what else they came up with.
Got an email today... it was very interesting... "We're getting questions coming in about LPU11 and your LPUX memberships that are close to expiring. To clear up any confusion, here's what you need to know: 1. Your LPUX membership is NOT expired yet. If you joined LPUX from August through mid-November of 2010, your membership officially started when we launched LPUX in November 2010 around the North American tour pre-sale. 2. Please wait until we launch LPU11 to "renew" your LPU membership. If you are currently an LPUX member and you purchase another LPU membership BEFORE we launch LPU11, that will not count towards an LPU11 membership. 3. LPU11 is coming soon. Very soon. Get excited."
I hope they release a LPU DVD. It's something new and different and easy to produce at the same time. The DVD does look promising apparently, so here's hoping! For the CD. It would be dumb not to have any ATS Demos/B-Sides. Since we are finishing of promoting the ATS album. EDIT: Adam stated that there isn't a LPU DVD...
Can't wait for this simply because it will most likely result in new LP. Hoping for more bsides/demos with vocals.
Like I said in the "Got News?" thread, the "get excited" part is probably a rebecca black reference. Meaning we might get it (or at least more info) on friday. What demos would you like to hear from a thousand suns? Early versions of known songs or completely new full length b-sides? Or maybe a mix of both?