LPU10 Coming Soon

Discussion in 'News' started by Derek, Aug 19, 2010.

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  1. Joe

    Joe I'm tried LPA Administrator

    Mar 20, 2004
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    Sounds awesome, thanks for the insight!
  2. Flozuki

    Flozuki LPA VIP LPA VIP

    Jun 1, 2010
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    I will try later, but First i have to arrive at Home, Sleep about 3 hrs and get to work :)

    Mike was a Bit mysterious about LPUX, it seemed that he is aware of the "Problem" with the Price and the high shopping cost to countries outside the us. But He also mentioned that there are some things they can't influence like taxes, etc. And i don't Know if i just Imagined that but He was somehow starting to say something about lpux but all of a sudden He was just like "oh no wait, i can't reveal that yet". But Not 100% sure about that, some People behind us distracted me with their mumbling. And one last thing for now: it is amazing how awesome Dave and Mike are, respect for their patience and communication with the fans :)
    Oh, and i am not sure if this info was already posted somewhere but i asked Dave what they are up to now and he said that they will do some promo in the uk in the next few days. I guess more prelistening Sessions are possible :)
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2010
  3. Vriska

    Vriska Wiki Staff LPA VIP

    Apr 17, 2007
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    this happened in lpu chat evidently

    the whistling sound you hear is my respect for LPU plummeting off a skyscraper.
  4. ReflectionistBaz

    ReflectionistBaz Reflectionist of Griever

    Apr 10, 2007
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    Same here. I am questioning renewing now.
  5. DeniseShinizzle

    DeniseShinizzle SPRAYPAINT & INK PENS

    Jun 1, 2010
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    I already puked myself out on the lplive messageboard about the LPUX thing. But it seems like the people here have a different direction on the whole thing?
    So I might not gonna post the same thing that bothers me about LPUX here (?). You can head over and check it out if you want ... :/
  6. Joe

    Joe I'm tried LPA Administrator

    Mar 20, 2004
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    Haha, from what I can tell, different people think different things. It's been positive and negative, don't worry about posting your opinion here, nobody will flame you or anything, haha. Don't feel like you can't share your opinion here, it's all good. :)
  7. DeniseShinizzle

    DeniseShinizzle SPRAYPAINT & INK PENS

    Jun 1, 2010
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    Allright! :) Then I'll copy my post from the lplive mb to this one. Don't read it if you're reeeally pissed about people who are at the moment not convinced about that. And I apologize for my English skills ... and: I am not against the LPU and absolutely HATING the new idea. ... :

    "Its so sick to read all those things.
    But I think everyone here is thinking the same about LPUX.
    Is it so hard to let things be like they was?
    I mean LP is changing they're music style again (I think its a good thing) but why changing the LPU too?
    We all from the LPU are a strong community and I have so many good memories about beeing in the LPU. And I am f*cking afraid if they are getting lost. I always read things like "I'm leaving the LPU if they do that." or "I don't pay 60 bucks for getting less than before."
    You CAN'T tell us, that we will get more than we got before! We are not stupid.
    I mean I think we all love LP and want to support them as much as we can, especially the hardcore fans from the LPU and those who want to join us in the LPU and this made it always special. LPU was kind of like a family. With people who enjoys the same music and have fun. And meet each other. The LPUTV videos also made it really special and we all laughed about those videos.
    Is it so hard to let things be or even to develop it & trying to make it better?

    I think we all know how much work it does for you. But, and its hard for me to say it, you rarely got the point when the LPU came with new things. Sure, I like the idea with the new Meet & Greets, but I've seen it a lot of times, that the same people got a M&G over and over again. And some people like me got never one. And I'm in the LPU for soon three years and went to 3 LP shows so far. This year I'll went twice maybe I'll get some. ...
    But actually, and I know that a lot of people already mentioned that:
    LPU is about 80% good for people who life in the US.
    Because people like me (I'm from Germany) or even europe and asia have no use for that. Or for giveaways or some contests. We CAN'T use it! We have nothing from that!
    You guys have always nice ideas and the people that will go to these LA and NYC shows can be really happy but people like me don't give a f*ck (sorry) about that. Its always the same. Its just like an online membership.
    Its okay if you change things little by little. Its okay if the band wants to go in another new direction. But you might divide the LPU up with that.

    It sounds like the new LPU has nothing to do with loyality anymore, its just a money thing. If you have the money you can pay that. If not: then you are a looser. And if you have no use for the special things that are US only: You are a looser too.

    And the thing with paying 10 bucks a month is ridiculous. Getting presale tickets was always something that made the LPU special. And now everybody shall have access to that? This is just ... bad. I absolutely don't like that idea.

    I mean I always loved the LPU and I still want to support LP. But dude .. I'm 15, from Germany and have no use for the 'special' things that are US only. And I can't pay 60 bucks every year only to have access to the community and to the BandMerch LPU store. And BandMerch has not even listed every country ... and the shipping costs are always a blast ...
    I think we can talk about everything in a friendly way and I'm not mean and stubborn. I think we all should talk about things that the LPU can make better. And we all can change things a little bit because we all have nice and viable ideas. But please don't divide the LPU up with that ... Because it means a lot to me and other people. Just wanted to say that again."
  8. Derek

    Derek LPAssociation.com Administrator LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    I really hope the admins in the chat aren't actually as aggressive to people as those quotes made it seem like they are. Yes, I understand its stressful for the lpu staff to basically be getting flamed/yelled at by the LPU members over these changes, and I definitely understand why the changes had to be made...but at 60.00 it's almost tripled the original price of membership. Of course people are going to be angry/upset. Most of LP's current fanbase (with the exception of 'originals' ;)) are younger, and rely on their parents to buy the membership...and without a physical package or CD it's going to be hard to justify to their parents just why 60.00 has to be paid.

    With that in mind, knowing what the LPU is trying to accomplish this year compared to previous years, and knowing why they needed to change, I understand and accept it...but in the same light, at 60.00 that's almost the price of the Premium pass last year, so I can understand why people are frustrated. It HAD to be done to accomplish events like you see on the signup page, and I support as well...but I also understand the problems people have.
  9. DeniseShinizzle

    DeniseShinizzle SPRAYPAINT & INK PENS

    Jun 1, 2010
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    I can also understand that. But I'm also a part of that group that has to convince my parents to buy that.
    Oh boy ...
  10. Jeff

    Jeff WORSHIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Feb 3, 2010
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    I tried explaining this last night in the LPU chatroom, and it got me nowhere :(
  11. DeniseShinizzle

    DeniseShinizzle SPRAYPAINT & INK PENS

    Jun 1, 2010
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    @Jay Sensei
    I guess they didn't listened to you?
  12. Jeff

    Jeff WORSHIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Feb 3, 2010
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    From my standpoint, they didn't want to listen to reason, so I left. Patience is a virtue, and it seems like a lot of LPU members don't seem to have it. And more power to them. Less LPU members means more chances for Meet and Greets, and actually being able to see what events they have in store for us this year.
  13. DeniseShinizzle

    DeniseShinizzle SPRAYPAINT & INK PENS

    Jun 1, 2010
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    Agreed. Its unbelievable that things are changing like that ... Even the people in the LPU changed~
    Its just so unfamiliar even from the prices. Less LPUlers ... thats so weird. Just because of the money & merchandise thing.
  14. dereklp

    dereklp :Not here:

    Aug 19, 2010
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    I think it boils down to they don't want to hear reason or try and listen to anything that will take them off their new LPU path. I tired and got nowhere. All I can do now is wait and see what happens.
  15. Benjamin

    Benjamin LPA team LPA Super VIP

    Jun 18, 2010
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    I have pre ordered LPUX but I as well understand the frustration. I realize that they need to pay for these expensive concerts and such but will making the annual pass 60 bucks really accomplish this? An anual pass last year was what, 20 bucks? So for them to make the same profit, 1 out of every 3 of the people that got that package last year would need to get the $60.00 membership. Based on the reactions on these boards, it seems more like 1 out of ever 5-8 or something like that. This was also evident, to me, when a BRAND NEW LP SONG was available and yet it took 12 or so hours just to get on Youtube (thanks Jay :lol:). Maybe the real profit will come from the cheap monthly pass? Doubt it.
  16. dereklp

    dereklp :Not here:

    Aug 19, 2010
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    I'd like to know how much of LPU's profits go to concerts. I don't think the margin is that high.
  17. ChuckCheese

    ChuckCheese Did somebody order some cheese? LPA VIP

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Somebody has a badass signature.
  18. dereklp

    dereklp :Not here:

    Aug 19, 2010
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    Starkiller ftw?
  19. Vriska

    Vriska Wiki Staff LPA VIP

    Apr 17, 2007
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    The reasonable thing to do is just not buy the preorder. There's places for optimism, but optimism always comes after skepticism, or you'll end up victims to someone like Bernard Madoff.

    The LPU, and none of their apologists, haven't provided evidence for anything justifying the price hike. If you haven't provided evidence, you're the one who's not being reasonable, and I wont budge.

    If the LPU comes though after all, then I'll buy into it, maybe. If they don't, then my skepticism has paid off and I can get something else instead. Win-win. Don't get the preorder.
  20. ana

    ana anaPHX LPA VIP

    Jan 30, 2010
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    simply dont preorder.

    if they see the sales are really bad, they might change something asap. But well they tempt us with a Demo...I believe the marketing had this in mind:

    and what? "to pay these EXPENSIVE concerts?"

    the prices for the same band and venue is 20euros more..which is 60euros...Lady Gaga costs 60euros...
    They got enough money for the tour, trust me. LP is getting paid for everything. they are known to be the biggest rockband of our century. the most selling too.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2010
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