I kind like the artwork, it kinda reminds me of the reanimation cover, idk why just does, and does anyone know when the CD/ track list will be released?
That is some super badass artwork!! Loving it! Sujana: I really hope it is visceral, I want a few THP demos on it anyway, seen as though we haven't got a "making of THP DVD".. Apparently" everything" was captured on camera too.. I really would like an explanation from the band in regards to that, I'm quite disappointed, because I love THP and I would just like to see how they made it, and all the fun they had.. I'm depressed!
How? It's a knight on a hoverhorse... on LSD. Kind of. I think it looks badass. But I'll never be able to afford it, lol.
I'm gonna ask a full on rookie question. When LPU XIV is avaliable, people will be automatically allowed to download a digital copy, right?
Another rookie question: If you have a LPU 13 membership that does not end on November 19th, will it end on November 19th? (You know since its LPU 14). If it does, I wasted my 30 day trial the best I could.
The color scheme is quite similar. I like the artwork! The background kinda resembles a retro seventies wallpaper