LPU March Madness at LP Association!

Discussion in 'News' started by Casual D, Mar 10, 2010.

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  1. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Why? o_O
  2. ph_cruz

    ph_cruz New Member

    Mar 10, 2010
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    He was on the Internet for the first rock bands to be part of my life when I found Linkin Park, who was starting career in the international scene, their sound soon won me over and still can't stop listening to them.

    LPU Username: PH
  3. linkingabo

    linkingabo Member

    Jun 16, 2009
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    Figure.09 in 2002? :))
  4. v1c70r

    v1c70r New Member

    Mar 10, 2010
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    March Madness

    I was 16 when my father acquire the MTV Channel. I don't listen any other group but the Spanish pop groups. So, I discover a new world of music, rock, hip-hop, and the mix of both. The first Linkin Park video I seen was "Crawling", I remember that I want to have the Chester's look with that piercing on the lip. One day, when In the End's video launched, the rock-hairy-style friend of my class give me Hybrid Theory CD. I say "Well, the two singles I heard are awesome but the whole disc, I'm sure is worst"... I can't be more wrong in my life. The disc change my life and my musical taste, and this was 7 years ago. I'm a big fan now, and a proud LPU member, V1C70R, from Spain. :D
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2010
  5. shinkiro

    shinkiro New Member

    Mar 10, 2010
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    I became a fan of Linkin Park when the Hybrid Theory album was first released. I believe I saw a commercial about it, and when Crawling was playing, I thought, "Hey, that's the coolest song I've ever heard." My friend bought the CD, so I decided to listen to the rest of the album and LP's been my favorite band ever since.

    LPU username: zachsev7
  6. MiSs_LySs

    MiSs_LySs New Member

    Mar 10, 2010
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    I heard LP for the first time in 05 at the grammys....when they preformed numbencore with jay z and paul. I was 11 trying to overcome the passing of my Dad, struggling with being told I had dyslexia, and abuse that was happening in my household. The minute I heard Chesters voice some unknown feeling came over me and once I had started listening to the rest of there music...I finally felt safe...and at peace.

    LPU Username - MiSs_LySs
  7. Joshua1

    Joshua1 New Member

    Mar 10, 2010
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    My LP story.

    The first time I heard LP was in 2007, at the movies. I was watching the movie, Transformers (best movie ever!), and heard What I've Done at the end. I hadn't heard it before, but I immediatly though, "That songs is awesome! And it fits so well in the movie." Then I researched who it was by, and the name Linkin Park came up. The second song of their's I listened to was In the End on Youtube, when I looked up more songs of theirs. I love Transformers, and had I not watched that movie, I wouldn't have found my favorite band either. :D

    LPU username: Joshua1
    email: [email protected]
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2010
  8. AnnaLP

    AnnaLP New Member

    Mar 10, 2010
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    First time I heard was in January,22,2005. It was a difficult part of my life I was so much depressive,my foot was broken and I was moving to a new home.When I arrived the first thing that I saw was Numb/Encore on Tv, it was fantastic,I couldn't understand but that made my life better,sometimes I think that LP saved my life .It was a little ironic because I bought the cd some mounths before without know the band ,just because I needed to buy some cds, but my friend stole it from me before I could hear it... It looks like was my destiny to listen Linkin Park.
    My username is:Anna
  9. Roddy

    Roddy New Member

    Mar 10, 2010
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    I was going on holiday with my parents and best friend in 2001. My dad was playing some old music and we hated it. So he turned off the rear speakers and we played our music through my friend's portable speakers. At the time I listened to like 4 songs because I'd never found music that I could really relate to... He said he found a new band and thought the music was so different to anything that was around and that I might enjoy it. So he put on Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory... I was amazed. One Step Closer became my favourite song. Since then Linkin Park have become my life.

    LPU Username: Roddy
  10. lp_stef

    lp_stef New Member

    Mar 10, 2010
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    i was 12 years old when i heard my first LP song, back in 2000...i was at home watching MTV and then i saw one step closer..i thought "that's cool but the video is kinda scary" xD i liked them but at the same time i thought that it was kinda abnormal lol..a few months later i saw crawling (also on MTV..yeah i'm a tv-junkie lol) but it didn't really get through me..only when i saw in the end the first time (yes on MTV and no i don't do publicity for them xD) it was like..i can't even describe how that felt..it was like love at the first (or third lol) sight...the first thing i did the next day was buying HT xD and since then i can't live without LP^^

    LPU username: stefirusso
  11. Inpieces3

    Inpieces3 Member

    Mar 10, 2010
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    I had heard Linkin Park on the radio and had heard friends talk about them but never really took a good listen to there stuff until 2003 right around when Meteora came out. I was sitting in front of my computer when my friend sent me Somewhere I Belong over AIM since his brother had just bought the new album. I listened to it and fell in love with the music immediately. I started to look up everything that I could find on Linkin Park and was immediately obsessed to say the least. I was only twelve at the time and didn't really listen to too much music. Linkin Park is really what got me into music. I went out and bought all of there CD's (Hybrid Theory, Reanimation, and Meteora at the time) and listened to them all day long. I went to my first LP show in 2007. It was Projekt Rev 07 at Jones Beach. I went to the MSG show in 08 and then afterwards joined the LPU. At Projekt Rev 08 I was lucky enough to be one of the few people to be invited to the Meet and Greet. I met Chester and Phoenix. Well, before I write a whole book I'll just say I love Linkin Park. They are the best band ever. Can't wait for them to start touring again and I hope the next album is finished soon.
    LPU Username: Inpieces3
  12. Steve

    Steve Active Member

    Nov 29, 2006
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    My brother first got me into LP back in 2001... I was only 12 so he basically tried to dictate all my music tastes as I never bought any music myself. We quite often disagreed about music so when he was raving about this new album he'd got I wasn't that excited, but he put on In The End first and I was hooked from that moment on! Bought every other release on the day of sale and I'm still hooked today!

    LPU User Name: Steve_Dickinson
  13. Addicted2Music

    Addicted2Music New Member

    Mar 10, 2010
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    Sat in front of the TV and was browsing through the channels, when the Video for "One step closer" was shown on MTV. The Beginning of it made me watch it, i liked the Song straight away a lot, which made me curious about the Band, so i looked for some more Information, bought the Album "Hybrid Theory" and since then have been a Fan of Linkin Park!

    LPU Username: Addicted2Music
  14. DaMan12

    DaMan12 Banned

    Mar 10, 2010
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    The first time I heard Linkin Park was in early 2001, I was 14 years old. I was playing The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time with a friend while listening to a bunch of rap music. My friend got sick of all the rap and pulled a cd out of his bag, Hybrid Theory. He put on crawling and I wa instantly hooked. I went out and bought the album the next day and 10 years later I have probably played it a 1000 times, they are still my favorite band.

    My lpu username is DaMan12 and my shirt size is actually XL :p
  15. denemy

    denemy New Member

    Mar 10, 2010
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    I was playing 'DJ' in primary school, and somebody handed me the One Step Closer single to put on. I instantly fell in love, and by the end of the day they had to take the cd off me because everybody was so sick of hearing it.
    LPU username = denemy
  16. EGOR

    EGOR New Member

    Mar 10, 2010
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    I was 12 years old, when I heard my first Linkin Park song. I sat at home and watched MTV Channel. This song called ''Numb''. I did never hear something same before, music was very unique. Singing was simultaneously soft and powerful... Piano arrangement made the unit with strong guitar parties, it was unusual contrast. After, I heard many other bands, but there was no one groop with so strong, so sensual and so powerful lyrics. That's why Linkin Park became my favourite band. Forever.

    LPU Username - EGOR
  17. Aberu

    Aberu New Member

    Mar 10, 2010
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    I started listening to Linkin Park when a friend lent me the Hybrid Theory CD in late 2000, to hear the songs I started to like it too much to stop listening to several bands become addicted to the music of Linkin Park. The songs I liked were Points Of Autority, With You, One Step Closer, In The End, Crawling and Runaway, but then all the songs became my passion. Since then I have not stop listening, even though some the critics, I do not care and kept listening. Until today, Linkin Park in my life, in good times and bad, is always present and thanks to his music I made good friends that always will trust.

    LPU Username: Aberu
  18. emr331

    emr331 New Member

    Mar 10, 2010
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    I honestly can't pinpoint the first time hearing Linkin Park, but it must have been either Numb or Breaking the Habit. I remember before iPods when I had my brother's old mp3 player and only had eight songs on it. Breaking the Habit was one of the songs and I would spend hours just listening to the song on replay. This Linkin Park has steadily grown into an intense love of their music and related projects and I was fortunate to see them two years ago.

    LPU Username: emr331
  19. Scott

    Scott New Member

    Mar 10, 2010
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    Hey, my name is Scott, I started listening to Linkin Park when I was in second or third grade in 2001 or 2002, I forget, such a long time ago. I am now fourteen and enjoy listening to Linkin Park. I love their new sound, as well as their old. I am looking forward to their next album! The song "Not Alone" just blew me away, the vocals were perfect to me, I think that showed the lightest side to Chester hehe. Well good luck to everyone else who entered the contest! I hope I win though :p P.S. Linkin Park has been my favorite band since I started listening.

    LPU: Elit3sk0t
  20. R8ch

    R8ch New Member

    Mar 10, 2010
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    The first time i heard Linkin Park was from my friend Harry in 7th grade (around when MTM came out). He introduced me to In The End and What I've Done. I then became very interested in the rest of there music and started looking them up... Now i have all LP albums and even Fort Minor and DBS!!I have more songs by them than any other artist and i can't wait for the new CD. Im sure it'll be great! :) I listen to them all the time!

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