Yeah the amount of complaining I've seen about the lack of music honestly doesn't just disgust me, it offends me and irritates me to my core. It's like these people are in denial or have forgotten that four months ago, the lead singer of this band for ALMOST TWENTY YEARS passed away under extremely traumatic and tragic circumstances. Mike himself confessed at the tribute concert that it was difficult for the band to even listen to their own music. Do these whiners really expect that the band is in any emotional shape to dig through old demos (potentially with Chester's vocals) just to appease people who want to hear unreleased music? A live album is coming out next month. That's two releases in one year. An LPU17 CD may come in 2018 if the band decides to do so, and if the band is ready. Keywords there: If. The. Band. Is. Ready. People need to stop being selfish. Nobody's holding a gun to their head demanding they join the LPU. It is completely voluntary. You don't like the fact there's no CD this year? Don't join. There's no guarantee the band will ever feel comfortable releasing unreleased Chester material again, or ever do another LPU CD of Chester demos, because they may deem it improper since Chester isn't around to give consent. And if that's the case? That's their right. Period.
As much as I am on your side with people needing to chill the f- out about the lack of music, I'd like to ask you to please refrain from making posts that hurl insults, or ones that can potentially start a flame war. Thank you.
It isn't to say that the band putting out new demos is a realistic expectation at the moment, it's more that the LPU doesn't really serve a purpose right now, especially since we don't know whether or not there will be live shows next year (or ever). It's not a big deal, but they could have postponed the whole thing. This is not an attack on the band by any means, just an observation.
they also said there weren't any meteora demos left a while ago. theres been many released on Lpu like program, after Canada, soundtrack, etc. and they prolly recorded vocals for it too. I remember reading somewhere like they had 15 finished songs and they had to take off some to make the meteora track list. so there prolly are meteora song demos with vocals.
Correct. This is also the band that claimed once to have destroyed their MTM demos...only to have shitloads surface on LPU CDs over the years. So any talk of what has (or hasn't) happened to demos should be taken with a grain of salt.
I'm likely reading too much into this... that'll happen with how all over the place my mind has been the last few months. With past LPU releases, even with no tour (and no expected tour coming between that LPU release and the next one) they've always (or at least every time I've looked) mentioned in the list of perks "Access to LPU-only pre-sales (for shows)". It wasn't mentioned here. Obviously nobody expected any live shows between now and the next LPU release (or at least I certainly didn't), but is this possibly confirmation? I'm leaning towards me reading too much into that. Though my mind runs rampant these days and I can't help but worry/wonder if this is really the end. Forewarning I will defend outright if anybody calls this a complaint, because it really isn't. If it's over, it's over, I'll be sad but I'll understand. Hard to be angry when I've had thoughts that maybe it should be over, before turning back to "I don't want this to be the end". Never settling on any one thought. Then again I feel like I've had just about every thought possible to go along with these extremely difficult circumstances, so how can my mind settle anywhere, or in any way. This is never going to stop hurting. I still can't think about it without feeling internally crushed.
I find it pathetic to see people complaining there are no demos on LPU17 (...yet?...). A little over four months ago the band was traumatized by Chester's passing, yet you think they are required to put out supplemental demos for the memberships? The entire fanbase should be thanking linkin park for continuing the LPU series. There are tons of unreleased demos i'd love to hear, but i respect linkin park's decision of anything they desire.
no one is bashing em for not doing so. I personally am not annoyed or anything. just woulda been cool to have got some
"It would have been cool to get some". In these circumstances it's lucky we got anything at all. We're not exactly in a position to even expect the band to release demos.
People are reading into this too much. Some people wish there was demos. There is nothing wrong with thinking that. People assume that other people are being disrespectful because they think having demos would be cool. That's not always the case. Stop jumping to conclusions. No one in this thread has rudely given opinions or sounded entitled to demos.