Is it Waiting For The End? But since we all know, does that mean everyone is gonna get a giftcard? And In The End and Numb are so iconic. And so is Breaking The Habit. But nothing from Meteora can make the #1 list and neither from THP or LT. The song "One More Light" can though. But this is LPA, it has to be from ATS. But MTM has What I've Done and The Little Things Give You Away. Fuck it, Waiting For The End
Like most, Waiting for the End is my guess WFTE definitely seems like the most obvious choice, but it's also been said this top 20 has some surprising/unsual picks. It's certainly my favorite. Not sure what else the LPA team would all agree on as the #1 spot. Maybe The Catalyst? Breaking the Habit, a METEORA track in the top spot? No...impossible. TLTGYA, One More Light, among many others are good, but are they #1 good like WFTE? Hmm
There's like 2 and a half years still. I'm sure we will do something special for Meaty Okra when it turns 20.
Everyone who guesses correctly will be put into a drawing and one person will win. If anyone guesses correctly.....
WFTE is a timeless LP song, with a few tweaks it could fit itself on almost any* of their albums yet still keep what makes it great. *except Meteora.
We need a documentary on how we will all be wrong and to record our reactions when "All For Nothing" wins. Forum Party at the Pancake Festival when?