That may be the first time that has ever been said about me I like Wretches and Kings, don't get me wrong. I think the bass production on that song sounds really cool. I just think in terms of the full album, it sits near the bottom of the totem pole.
I actually find that song to be one of my favorites on the album. My least favorite is the Catalyst. It sounds like.. bad Nine Inch Nails or something imo. The best songs are Blackout, WTCFM, WFTE. The second half of Blackout is corny though. But it’s genius because Mike sings (which is revolutionary in itself) and it has lyrics with some vanilla-political metaphors. It also makes the song longer and the structure more complex - which naturally makes it even more genius for an LP album. By the end of this post I may have changed my mind. Wow.
As someone who loves pretty much every track on ATS, you're basically spot on. I'd go as far as to say that most of the interludes beat out W&K outright. And that's less a slight on W&K and more a compliment to the interludes.
Yo its crazy that differing opinions exist and some people on this site may think of W&K as one of the better songs LPA. Fucking shocking
Imagine missing the point soooo hard that you dont even realize that im not even a fan of the song myself. Yikes
It's a song guys. There's too much vitriol over a song that Linkin Park wrote and released 10 years ago. We're all different people with different tastes and opinions on things. Some opinions are more commonly shared, like the strong like for ATS here on LPA. I didn't mean to start this; in retrospect I probably shouldn't have responded to @Blake like that in the first place. I apologize.
One thing that helps is to write the top 25 on a piece of paper or Text document on your computer. It was much more intuitive than relying solely on the Google Form, which can strain the eye and mind because there’s a lot of scrolling to get through it. Just refer to your top 25 list when picking your rankings when in Google.
Yeah we built a couple of guides to help: The matrix is especially daunting, but rewarding.
I cannot for the life of me make that matrix come out right. Do these formulas assume that if one song beats another, then it has to beat all the other songs that the beaten song did? Just in 2020??
Yes, logically if a > b and b > c, then a cannot > c. It means you have a conflict somewhere. Once all of these are fixed, you will have one song with 24 votes, one with 23, one with 22, all the way down. Start by re-examining the songs that are tied.
Eh... There are certain songs that put up against each other, I'd prefer one that might not be "highly ranked" due to the nature of a matchup. I think I'll just pass on it.
We're probably closing the Final Round of the Top 20 of 20 voting tomorrow (today? Oct 8.) rather than Oct 10th so if you haven't submitted your rankings, it's last call.