Well, I think the contest idea wouldn't be so much a random person's design, but more of an "made by the LPA, for the LPA" thing. I know of some really talented artists on this board, and I think letting them design a shirt that possibly would make it to print would be sweet. That's just my thought though.
Sorry stik, but no. We will have designs to make LPA avatars and sigs but that is it. Anything that involves money will be done by us in order to allow full creative control.
ooo Glad we're getting some support here. I love the idea of it being on a (RED) shirt with LPAssociation on the front and a kickass logo on the back ^_____^
We're going to do it somehow. We just need to find a place that will mass produce them for cheap but in high quality. No..NOT cafepress.
I think it might be fun for the members on this site to make their own t-shirts and wear them to the shows, to further promote this fan site. A bit like making posters and plastering them around the city. I never really seen any shirts for sale on the web that were based on fan sites, bands and artists of course, but not fan sites.
WTF, someone keeps deleting my posts. I posted something in here last week about the shirts, then something in the phoenix interview... I think an admin's been fucking around :/
Neil it should say who deleted them. Like "post deleted by..." If there is nothing like that, alert us to the next time it happens and we'll look into it. I do not believe it is a mod doing this, as it seems more like your account has been hacked.
Actually, I remember in the leak topic there was a whole shitload of deleted posts. Pretty sure a staff member deleted those.
I made a post in here about buying knock off linkin park dogtags that actually had an LPA imprint on them because the pirates used a google image search for linkin park and got one of the LPAs wallpapers. And in the phoenix thread I made a post about editing the hiss out. Although I had this problem about 2 years ago on here. When I was logged in, I couldnt see some posts I made but others could. Can anyone see a post about me and that dogtag in this thread about the shirts?