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Discussion in 'News' started by Casual D, Jun 1, 2010.

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  1. Misi

    Misi Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2004
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    My favorite video is Crawling, because it impressed me when i was hearing for the first times back in 2001, when I was 14. This clip sounds like a epic story. And I like how this song is played live, i know it's a hard song to be singed by Chester.
  2. smile225

    smile225 New Member

    Jun 4, 2010
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    "Which Linkin Park music video is your favorite and why?"

    In my opinion the best video is "What I've Done" This is my favorite one because of many reasons.

    Firstly because very actual problem was showed there. The short videos of ecology, wars, natural disasters and so on are more than sad. It makes people think about thier own concern of ecelogy. They really think "What I've Done? What we've done?" Thats great! Thats why video becomes deep and actual

    Secondly how can I don't admire my favorite band in projectors lights in the desert? I think I will never forget Chester's beautiful sun-glasses in this video. Rob's drums sparkled so bright and effectually in the sunshine. And all they played perfectly and exiting.

    And at last "What I've Done" is just great song. Slow verses and fast choruses are perfect balance. Wonderful Chester's voice and amazing Mike's "na-na-na" in the end are really epic

    Thats 3 reasons why "What I've Done" is my favorite music video. You can don't agree with me that it's your favorite one, but you must agree that this music video is awesome!
  3. Nexus87

    Nexus87 New Member

    Jun 4, 2010
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    "Which Linkin Park music video is your favorite and why?"

    Well, my answer is In The End. Mentioned below are the reasons why :-
    First of all the song has a Epic, Huge , Vast & Gigantic sonic landscape & to make the video as fitting to the song was AWESOME !! Hats off to them. The Art work in the video is top notch, the sets they made are spectacular & moreover in the same co-relation with the song. All in all the video is just amazing. !! there best one yet :D
  4. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Thank you. We totally appreciate your kind words :).
  5. hawk

    hawk because the internet LPA Super VIP

    Apr 1, 2010
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    You deserved every word. xD
    It;s also good to see LPL and LPA being "cool" with each other.
  6. shahrzadlp

    shahrzadlp New Member

    Jun 4, 2010
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    Which Linkin Park music video is your favorite and why?"

    my favorite music video is what ive done!because i like every scene of this video!and i think thais video is one of the best videos iv'e ever seen!
  7. Visnja

    Visnja New Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    my favourite video is SOMEWHERE I BELONG. after seeing that video I went to the cd shop to see if the meteora cd has arrived in Croatian cd shops and it did. i was so excited that I'll hear more from LP. LP was "my" band since I first listened to hybrid theory. so,somewhere I belong ment a new,fresh extension of your beautiful music and I watched a hundred times the making of the video....I was so into that scheme with the bed on fire and I thought it was awesome Chester coming to the bed by escalator at the beginning of the video. then that flying through the air in bed blankets,but that it seems like a meteor. So he gets out of that blanket-meteor and starts to sing those lyrics and mike is there too among those hooded people. all in all, a perfect visual match for the great and strong lyrics of somewhere I belong. They turnd the lyrics into visual exactly how I perceived the feeling described in the song. you go to bed and dream that you are in a place where you belong. I've always wanted to thank LP for giving me the feeling of belonging somewhere. :)
  8. Bender

    Bender New Member

    Jun 4, 2010
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    My favorite LP video is “Points of Authority”. This is what it’s all about – hard core Linkin Park! A lot of rock, a lot of drive, a lot of everything. There are crowds of fans, Chester’s tattoos, Hybrid Theory art, Joe with his “LP skateboard”, This video represents the whole style of the band. Totally the best!
  9. mcart91

    mcart91 Member

    Mar 11, 2010
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    "Which Linkin Park music video is your favorite and why?"

    I think i'd have to go with BtH. It's just so different from all their other videos, and it's beautifully executed. It just bursts with energy and fits the song, in my opinion, much more than many of LP's other videos fit their respective songs.
  10. LP_marcia

    LP_marcia New Member

    Jun 3, 2010
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    Which Linkin Park music video is your favorite and why?
    This is a very difficult question for me because I would choose several videos to be my favorites. However, thinking about current problem, I choose “What I’ve Done”.
    It’s a video that shows a lot of problems that society faces every day. There are clips of wars, hunger, taking drugs, using up natural resources, global warming, etc. So, I think the video alert not only LP fans but also the entire world population (which is fabulous!)
    Pollution and global warming are all issues, and I think Linkin Park passed how serious the situation is. Like this, undoubtedly, they are contributing to building a better world; they are contributing for the education of the world.
    Even the association with the song could not be better! The lyrics can show that we can fix all of this starting over. For so long we have denied our complicity, yet conflicts within and between countries continue and people haven’t really learned from the past.
    If we just face the video and try to work on these issues, the future may not look so bleak.
  11. Spooky

    Spooky Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2010
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    Which Linkin Park music video is your favorite and why?

    Breaking the habit definately. it is so well made, so original and what it shows is greatly thought about.
    I also love the ending with all the band members. theyre so cooly drawn!
    And when you saw the making off you are even more impressed
  12. Heavy is the Louis

    Heavy is the Louis No really, we are so back. LPA Team

    Apr 17, 2005
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    My favorite music video has to be the one for Somewhere I Belong. I feel like that video is the one that involved the most creativity. Breaking the Habit was pretty good because it was done with anime but I think the live creativity aspect of Somewhere I Belong puts it ahead of everything else. There's a feel to the video that really adds to the song. I think the song is much better with the video than without it, which I think is what makes a video good. If a video can accompany a song and compliment it, then you have a really good video. If you think the song is better off without the video, then the video isn't good. Somewhere I Belong is one of the only memorable videos out there. I love the effects, the creatures and CGI effects, everything. The background sets are amazing. That's my vote.
  13. the_black_hawk

    the_black_hawk New Member

    Jun 1, 2010
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    Which Linkin Park music video is your favorite and why?

    Not just as a Linkin Park fan, but as a human, I'd pick What I've Done, probably the most realistic music video of Linkin Park. This music video is about pure and bitter realities, and pretty much implies the essence of the lyrics. The location somehow fits the theme of the song perfectly, and the filming style is unique among the rest of LP music videos. The harmony of the short shots is set carefully and fits the progression of the song: in the beginning we start with a scene of growth and speeding up, as the song is developing and speeding up, plus some quick shots of the members getting ready, suddenly a bombing scene is shown as the guitar part starts and kinda blows the song, members start to play, and some semi-violent and fast shots, then quickly a bunch of scenes showing amiability to create a realistic mixture of human emotions, and when the song calms down to start the chorus, two relaxing vistas to calm the viewer down. As Chester starts with "in this farewell...", we actually see a live graphic interpretation of what he's saying, some shots of our modern, busy and crowded life, and then we see some "regret"-able scenes, until "mercy" comes and we see more colorful scenes coming parallel with this concept, as getting closer to chorus we see a little scene of what we've done, and then in the first chorus, it focuses on "What I've become", using a contrast of overeating and hunger. The second verse displays brief scenes of humaneness but soon shifts to the second chorus, in which we see an emphasis on "I Face Myself" with a war-related procession, and also "Erase Myself", then we get back to see a bit of what we've done to the earth once more, and as it comes to "Start Again", scenes of birth and a new start are shown but they end quickly like a dream and rot into death and extinction, some random artistic scenes of the band members in the middle, and for the final moments, again we see more of what we've done to the nature, and the closing scene is, maybe the worst thing we've ever done, the nuclear bomb...
    On the whole, the video has a strong scenery based on a certain itinerary, and successfully transfers the concept to the viewer, showing a dramatic face of the ugly truth, reminding us what we've done to our environment and to each other, I think this is what makes this music video stand out amongst the rest of them, and thus I think it's the most impressive music video, warning us about where our world is heading to, and how we're leading it toward that ending. Carrying this message makes the music video worthy as it makes you think for a few minutes...I think that reason is quite enough for picking WID as the best of them!

    PS. sorry for the LONG comment, but all those lines were needed to explain how awesome this video is!
  14. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Just a re-iterate: Due to the HIGH level of entries in this contest, the winners will be selected completely at random. Quality certainly will go into consideration, but ultimately the winner will be random. We just want to make that clear. With that in mind...keep entering and GOOD LUCK!
  15. pegasusrocks

    pegasusrocks New Member

    Mar 10, 2010
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    Super Yay

    Love all the responses!!!

    LPUHQ is so pleased to have teamed up with y'all!
  16. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Woo! Hey Jess! By the way...you haven't been on AIM lately. You make me sad. :p
  17. nix666

    nix666 New Member

    Jun 4, 2010
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    My favorite music video is the one for Crawling, because it was the first LP video I saw.
  18. LinkinSoldier

    LinkinSoldier New Member

    Jun 4, 2010
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    Difficult question. I really love and appreciate every single LP music video since they're all special and I even feel like I connect something with each of 'em. Yet, if I had to choose my favourite, Id decide for Breaking The Habit. To my mind it's both the most emotional song and the most emotional video having been published by the band so far. When I saw it first, I have to admit I was close to tears (I know that sounds cheesy, but it's true), it touched me, for real. The anime makes the video different from any other LP music video and it's completely unique in its sincerity and honesty and in the emotions it's able to express. And I love it for that.
  19. Dara

    Dara Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2010
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    Which Linkin Park music video is your favorite and why?

    My favorite LP music video is “Breaking the Habit”. it is an animation music video which is a great choice by the band and I think it is one of the best anime music videos ever created. The meaningfulness of the video is as good as the song itself; and it has the same energy that the song has and fits to the song very well. The rewinding feature in the story is also incredible.
  20. Serenity

    Serenity Suffocating in the mess

    Jun 4, 2010
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    "Which Linkin Park music video is your favorite and why?"

    While I would say that Linkin Park's music videos are among the best in the industry, if I were to pick a personal favorite, it would be "In the End."
    The CGI and effects were great, and made it seem as though Linkin Park were in this fantasy world. It was whimsical but not too over-the-top, although the flying whale at the end was strange but a nice touch!
    The song itself is beautiful, and a classic example of Linkin Park's fusion of different musical elements. Watching Mike rap his lines while Chester was on top of the statue singing is a sight to see. And then the band would come together and start performing all together, which was awesome, of course.
    The mood at the beginning was great, but when the sky started to darken near the end it heightened the intensity of the video. The end was spectacular when it started to rain and the band was playing through the drenching water. Then, at the end the keyboard sample is played and the camera pans out while the sun comes out again, and the video ended perfectly. Of all their music videos, this has to be one of their best.
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