Something similar to the win/win structure and flow that the Toastmasters I go to has would benefit the podcast presentation and organization. Everyone gets an opportunity to speak and time limits must respected. Its ok if you go over the line/ bend it, but wrapping up your talk around the red light is enforced.
I think I might just start my own renegade LPA podcast. Discussing everything and anything but Linkin Park. Mostly drunken rambling with Jordan and prank calling Derek or Andrea.
I vote Yes to new edition of the LPA Podcast Series with heavy-emphasis on LP's latest release ATS and Ana as the major guest to speak about her experience at the meet n greet and pre-listen.
Check the homepage slider, the first podcast had already aired and is now available for download - check it out.
He's talking about another one. There is only one so far so he wants a New edition. I think it's a good idea anyway.
We're definitely doing more podcasts, and we're definitely going to do one for the ATS release, maybe even after so we can listen to the tracks live on air and give our opinions. However; with much respect to ana, although we want members on for future podcasts..we'd like to try for the ATS one to get a big guest like Adam was. Although it all depends. No guarantees people will be available.
Yeah, true. Let's brainstorm personalities that we could have on the show, so people can slip in who they would like to have be guests. Insert Most Attractive Personality Here! Josh Vanover Xefuzion NoBrain Alex M Hahninator Kaeton H Sweet hookup with Adam Ana
I know you're just trying to help, but we already are in contact with possible guests, and there's really not that much to brain storm. Besides, Keaton was on our earlier podcast and will probably be on every other one we do, haha.
Yeah, Keaton Hashimoto works for this site . Thanks for your suggestions though. We appreciate your input.
Yea, roger that lulz! However, you get a small glimpse into what the community would like to see - supply and you know what bros. Come ice me bro, anyways. It would be awesome to have a segment of the programming about Kaeton's work from his 8-bit theory to his video game project, or we can have questions for him over a stretch of time. Part of my intentions writing that was to come up with ideas for guests down the road, but based on the staff involvement you're bound to cover off a hell of alotta bases for sure.
Thanks a lot. Hopefully soon. We were planning maybe to do one before ATS is released, but we're also wondering whether or not to only do them when we have a special guest lined up to help push the show along. We've got guests in mind, but not necessarily on a fixed schedule, so we're wondering if the podcasts will go over as well if it was maybe just the staff and invited people from the board who shown an interest in taking part. Basically, we we would love to do them regularly, but we can't get special guests regularly, we are in contact with two guests now, but we can't promise when they will be able to take part.
You could always expand the podcast to be a sort of 'music news' with a main focus on LP, if applicable. I'm looking at such things as Feedback on G4TV.
I just have to say if you're trying to set yourself up with greatness with special guests then it's bound to go down hill. It's a fact that you cannot have any major exciting special guests all of the time. I support the idea to talk with random forum members that show an interest as well as the News segment when applicable. Such as it would be a good place for all of the JK news and such as 1. People who come regulary for the site for just LP news may not be interested in a Podcast and just skims text.. 2. It'd be nice to introduce a wide variety of bands to expand musical diversity throughout the board..
Or they could make it a weekly thing. Something the users can look forward to tuning in for each week. Especially if the mainstays of the podcast are interesting characters. That's the reason I watch/listen to Feedback each week. I may not always be into the games they're discussing or care about the game news going on, but the discussion is always interesting.
See our problem though is that we don't really find ourselves all that entertaining on our own, and we aren't really sure if hearing us BS our way through a 1-2 hour podcast every week would be enough to keep people coming back . We already tried the "come and talk just to staff thing" in the past, and nobody showed up. It was a complete failure. Normally we wouldn't be so candid about that, but now with the success of the podcast (it was popular beyond our wildest dreams)'s safe to say that we'd rather have interesting guests on then just us. However, if enough people want it to be just us and want it weekly, we'll try that road again.
Jesse's idea of bringing in forum members who are willing to join in once and a while could work. Like, for example, I'd be really interested to see what happens when you put Casey and the admins in the same podcast.