Dazza says: linkin park aint nu metal, they r rap/rock. nu metal is like korn and soad BizKiTRoAcH says: Linkin Park is typical Nu-Metal Trash that appeals to kids, people with little/no taste in music and townies/scallies. Listen to real music like Slayer or S.O.A.D Dazza says: LP r good but system of a down rule iCy bLaZe says: haha, i got the album and i do not think they sound like LP, come on! you know LP sounds much better! although Dry Cell sounds kinda like LP :chemist: Taken from.. http://www25.brinkster.com/shanessite/ - XxLPxX Last edited by XxLPxX at Oct 30 2002, 04:32 PM
scallies? lol i must say, i know alot of people hate LP, but that number is far outweighed by the number of people who like LP. i mean, look at their 15 million records sold worldwide of HT/Reanimation, add that with the number of people who just download/can't afford their albums and you have a hell of a lot of people who love LP. one bad thing about LP's fans, alot of them are teenyboppers, and if i see one on these forums, they're banned without warning. watch out if you are! and dry cell kick ass.
I don't think you should ban them for saying something like "CHESTER IS SOOOOOOOO ####### HOTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!" I know its annoying, but come on now.
i seriously will. admin all agree that we do not like teenies, you get a warning for saying anything sexual about band members then a banning if it happens again.
lol...OK I think some of them are hot...I admit it (probably because they have spikey hair...lol) but I don't go around drooling...well maybe I do...but it's very discreet... Welcome to the boards [Hybrid Theory] Have a good time and play nice Last edited by Kat at Oct 31 2002, 04:56 PM
Teenyboppers? What do you mean? heheheh.[/b][/quote] ppl who come here talkin liek this n say stuf liek OMG [insert name here] IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WUD DO NETHING 4 A CHANCE 2 MAEK OUT WIT HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
longer than it would take me to type it out with normal spelling and only 1 "O" instead of however many there are
ppl who come here talkin liek this n say stuf liek OMG [insert name here] IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WUD DO NETHING 4 A CHANCE 2 MAEK OUT WIT HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/b][/quote] exactly.
but chester is sooooo hott!!!!!! ................. nah, im a guy, see nothin good in him. lol but one time on lpmb, i was bored so i registered under a name "meluvchester" and i posed as a teeny, and i got soooo many people hatin me....i later confessed and a lot of people found it funny hehe B) -PP:KUt p.s. dont ban me
Someone named BiZkItRoAcH or whatever called lp NU-METAL TRASH!!!! We must hunt down this fool and tie him down naked and burn him with lit cigarettes!! is everything Fred Durst wants to be.
calm down dude. But, I dislike LP haters. So tell him to re-think his ideas, because I do not think LP is trash at all. They are the exact opposite: PERFECT EXCELLENCE...