This is basically a thread that just allows you to do a simple thing: Linkin Park song = situation in which song: helps you deal with or cope/reminds you of (e.g. "Crawling" = paranoia, "Bleed It Out" = having a hoedown) It could be simple, it could be absolutely ridiculous. No right or wrong answers, just post away! I'll start it off: "What We Don't Know" = experiencing burnout
When They Come For Me - the silence of the night storms off as thunderous air-raid sirens fill the skies. They're coming ... for you ... me?
Waiting for the End - being trapped in a state of purgatory and not being able to let go of something/someone that will finally let you rest in peace
Until It Breaks - When you can't decide on which new album you're picking up: the new Daft Punk album or the new 30STM album