Papercut is a better song. LITE just has that new-song hype. I don't see what's so special about it. It seems like LP could shit out songs like that in their sleep by now.
I've never been a huuuge fan of Papercut but I think it's a good song. Anyway, I immediately loved Lost In the Echo. Musically is great. I liked absolutely everything about it. I liked Mike's rap verses, the backing vocals on both verses and choruses are spot on, Chester's melodies are catchy and he basically uses all his vocal abilities in an awesome way (clean voice, raspy voice and screams), plus the breakdown is very well done and leads to an epic ending. My vote goes for Lost In the Echo.
For me i have always loved papercut and always thought that was the bands best album opener till i heard LITE. for me its about the emotion and intensity LITE has vs papercut. papercut sounds like mike was reading the lyics off the paper and just rapping. LITE sounds like hes pouring his heart into the words hes saying. but thats just me.
THE SUUUNNNNN GOOOOEEESSS DOWWNNNN OHHHH!!!! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! (papercut live with chester screaming). Nothing can top that. sorry.
I honestly don't know. Yesterday, I would say Papercut, but today I'm stuck on LITE all morning, and I'm really starting to adore it.
No "nostalgia". Papercut demolishes LITE. IMO And I say "no nostalgia" because I'm not an old school fan