So has anyone else discovered the hidden pics embedded in the html code of the LP site? The first 5 pics are the ones that slideshow in the background of the site, but the other 5 appear to be behind the scenes of either the pics or parts of the Lost in the Echo interactive video. The link for the first one is: To see the others just replace the number at the end. EX: They go from 1 to 10. Thoughts anyone?
^ Looks like Joe ain't directing this one. And pic number 5 seemed to have what looked like a stage. So the band might be shown performing there!
that "noon in every timezone" is a coding bug.. we already had that during the BID Puzzles.. fix that to noon PST
So I've been looking through some of the other videos this Jason Zada has done and I can safely say this is my most anticipated LP video since...I can't even remember another LP video I've been this keen for!
I love how these rugged men-heroes in the post-apocalyptic settings have such perfectly-trimmed facial hair.