AGRRRRRRRRAHHHHH!!! I'm soooooooooooooooo disappointed that it (stupidly) doesn't feature band members!!!!! AND to top it all off, it STILL doesn't work. Not that I'm gonna watch it now the reality of no band members has sunk in. And it also similar to Burning in the Skies people say? Well that couldn't suck any harder as that was there worse vid, until this one. They dropped the ball so hard here, that it smashed into a thousand tiny pieces. There is NO REASON for the band not appearing. Saying that definitively.
I´m dissapointed a bit, as I was looking forward to "a normal" video with the band in it (the old pictures of them that can be seen there are really sweet, though). However, I think it´s really nice that they wanted the fans to feel as a part of the video. But for me it doesn´t really work, because I´m not tagged in any proper photo on facebook and I´m not seen there very well...
great idea....!!! nice concept! but ... cause it's a music video..... for LOST IN THE ECHO.....i think the song deserved so more action-powerfull video.....
This is the most stupid thing i have ever seen. I mean i like the idea of having the photos in the video and everything but the video is just so bloody boring....ehhh... i hope castle of glass will be better
Not a very good video for the song. Definitely not what I was expecting or wanting, but the pictures it chose were just hilarious.
Some of the guys reaction here is so fucking ridiculous. The band tried something different, and everybody's like: "I wanted a normal video, wherez da band, wherez Chesta?" "It's showing stupid pic's" This is so ridiculous. I don't like the song, but this video made me understand it. It's just like when The Catalyst was released. "What's this tecnho bullshit? I want Old LP bak!"
An amazing way for fans to take part! I wish I hadn't read through the forums before allowing the video to load. It would have been an awesome surprise. Unfortunately, the video does not match very well with 'Lost In The Echo'. Nonetheless, it looks beautiful.
To the Flash: Yes it is, and to Kacy: It's not creepy, it two things: 1 being a die hard fan and 2 being slightly insane, but 99.9% an true fan. (who is very vocal at the same time)
I understand what they were going for, but the pictures that were picked from my Facebook didn't fit at all. The second time I watched it, it chose a meme I was tagged in.
The concept of the video is definitely amazing. It kept stopping and lagging for me but I just watched all the way through, and even though some of the photos chosen were pretty silly, I can see the generic version being very good. The story is definitely awesome!
I just clicked the link and when it didn't work in internet explorer I just cut and pasted the url into chrome. It asked to connect to facebook so I just connected facebook. I just had to click allow a few times and then wait for the little weird shapes to light up as it loaded. I don't know what you guys are talking about. Username and password? I never used or went onto facebook in a long time, and I've never posted pictures so it just used friend pics and pics I was tagged in. It looked like the video was sopposed to look sentimental, but it just made me want to laugh, I was like WTF. I saw a picture of a friend who was shirtless and all like, and it just looked kinda funny
Hi, I've been on this fansite since 2003. Die-hard fan doesn't mean being completely obsessive. You don't get to say anything about being vocal either. I was in line for a Meet and Greet in Dallas on Monday and yelled, "Meteora sucks!" People in line turned and said, "Hey, you're Minus from the LPA aren't you?" And yes I am. Music videos are done without the band members in the video all the time. Chill out.
I had the same problem haha. The pictures selected were all of food, scenery and those of whom frankly I did not care for or knew. I appreciate the idea and intention behind the video regardless.