I think the other countries with troops in Iraq and Afghanistan will heed this warning after what happened today.
I can't believe this happened again. I feel about as devastated as I did when I heard about 9/11. RIP to those who were not able to escape this alive, and regrets to every person who were deeply affected by this. Best of hope to everyone in England, and condolences to any who were hurt.
Luckily for us, this wasn't as devastating as the 9/11 attacks, but still, very much a tragedy at the least. I heared that not all the bombs went off as planned though, so maybe there was meant to be more damage caused. Who knows.
Luckily for us, this wasn't as devastating as the 9/11 attacks, but still, very much a tragedy at the least. I heared that not all the bombs went off as planned though, so maybe there was meant to be more damage caused. Who knows. [/b][/quote] There weren't nearly as many casualties as 9/11, but they're both as serious, both as ridiculous in their motive, and no matter how many people died, every death or injury is grief to some family somewhere. If there was a mistake with the bombs, then all I can say is that those were great mistakes. I just feel terrible for all this new tension and pressure put on the average citizen now, because nobody knows what's the next destination. Best of hopes.
I have been hearing the horrible news all day long and I have got to say that I got emotional. My condolonces go out to all the victims and their families. Thank God my family in London is safe.
The security around Live 8 was probably much tigher then the security around the London underground. And killing innocent people = causing panic and getting attention.
An anonymous post on a message board says Al Queda, though that's a terribly groundless source to base it on. I figure most people will assume Al Queda, but investigations are being carried out.
This world is so broken...it's so sad what has happened, I saw it on the news this morning and saw some of the people that had been critically injured and are in hospital. The people who do this are so sick!! How could they bring them selves to do suck things..they must've been bloody mad or something! No body deserves a death like that.......
Well I got a phonecall from Gavin today telling me that he had heard about Kyle. Right now he's in hospital. He's in a bad state (he's not telling me everything though so I don't know hoe bad). But at least we know he's being taken care of I'm slightly less worried now...But still royally pissed off that this happened
There weren't nearly as many casualties as 9/11, but they're both as serious, both as ridiculous in their motive, and no matter how many people died, every death or injury is grief to some family somewhere. If there was a mistake with the bombs, then all I can say is that those were great mistakes. I just feel terrible for all this new tension and pressure put on the average citizen now, because nobody knows what's the next destination. Best of hopes. [/b][/quote] That was very well put.
On the news there was a survivor of the train who broke down into tears while explainin how he had seen bodies all over the track Makes ya think even though he was lucky to survive, he, and many like him have got to go through life with them images in his head now The mental scars will be jus as bad, if not worse than the physical scars
Don't know if this has been said or not but..... I heard on the news yesterday morning that MOSAD, the Israli special intelligence people, had actually warned London that something was going to happen. Now this MOSAD group are like THE best in the world, mainly because of what they've had to endure from these arabs dropping bombs on them left right and centre. They are the closest to the arab world. So did they know?
i heard this morning on the news that at least 3 of the bombs wern't suicide. it didn't say which ones though.
The latest BBC news report suggests 50+ deaths and more still being discovered in King's Cross tunnel.
i am so glad for you that your friend is alive and being treated. i woke up this morning and put on the tv and the programme i was watching was reflecting on the events of yesterday. they had imense praise for the emergency services and were saying that all those how got to hospital, all survived and treatment is going well. so hopefully this will be the case, Nikki, for your friend. i am so proud of the way us Britsh people have coped with the events in London. people in the blasts are not running around looking for blame as they know that the right authorities will be doing their jobs and looking for these people (if i can even call them that) and deal with them accordingly. still, i wish everyone who walking wounded that was in the blasts and those families, well and RIP to those unfortunate to not survive.