There have been a number of explosions in London this morning on the under ground tubes and some buses. One of the stories
7 blasts now. Blair says it is terrorist. Its all his fault, he said its barbaric. Is it not barbaric when him and Bush send our troops off to kill thousands in Iraq and Afghanistan?
I just heard it on the news when you posted this topic, I was shocked, still am.. I know this can happen everywhere and anytime but you never expect it to actually happen. This is goddamn useless. I heard that the Israelian secret security informed London about the coming explosions just before it happened. Anyone know about this?
ok. i only just got up. and this was the first topic i saw. it scares me. *turns tv on* why do they do it?!
the thing is it is so easy to do - there is very little in security on public transport. london is an easy target for terrorists
tony blair is making a speech. he sounds like he's about to cry... this is really really scary. it shows how easy it was (i'm pretty sure security will tighten up now) to attack london...
They cancelled the rest of school because of the explosions,all the London Underground is closed and buses are disrupted.20+ people confirmed dead more than a hundred injured. This is fucked up but it was bound to happen with the G8 sumit happening,London getting the olympics etc. Percides we all knew it wasn't a quiestion of if it was a quiestion of when and today was the day. I know that its fucked up that it happens in the middle east all the time but you get filled with several emotions when you hear its happened basicly down the road from where you live. Those who bomb will pay for their sins. What a way to start the 10 day countdown to my birthday.
there is probably some thruth behind what you are saying - however it would of been an impossible task to evacuate the whole of the london underground and get people off the buses.
my symathies to the families... a sad day for london and the whole world. i was supposed to go to london,and i probbably will..........,but it still sucks-what happened
I was deeply upset by the tragedy. And the fact that they assume this was against G8 upsets me even more. Who in the right mind would bomb London seven times for the sake of showing hate against a few people? It's practically insane.
Mine too. [/b][/quote] my sympathy goes out to everyone it affected. not onlly the families, but the people who were there, the people who live in the area and just everyone it will have affected in some way. i wish there was something i could do, which makes me feel stupid because i know there isn't.
Why can't they just talk and negotiate instead of throwing bombs on innocent people to get what they want. They are such selfish pricks. I hope they die out of regret though I doubt it.
it makes me sick how a group of people with some bombs and some crazy ideas can cause so much destruction to innocent people for what? what point are they trying to make? i'm with leones. i hope they die out of regret.
Negociations won't solve anything. All these terrorists want is death and disarray, panic and confusion. You can't negociate for that. Using bombs like this to strike fear in the hearts of millions is the only way to accomplish that goal. Not to mention that the bombs were most likely planted to coincide with the G8 meetings in an effort to break up the meetings. Looks like Tony Blair is leaving the summit and going back to London. Goal accomplished once again. My condolences to all the affected victims and their families. This is a terrible occurance.