Well, as my nametag says, I'm Razer922. First forum I went to was the now-destroyed Nintendo NSider Forums. I love music, and I'm more partial to LP's first two albums (HT and Meteora, not counting reanimation) than I am to MtM. I'm a videogamer, through and through- favourite games are the Metal Gear Solid series, Rock Band (with GH2 up there, 3 was insanely hard at the end =|), Perfect Dark (the original, screw PDZ), RollerCoaster Tycoon, and others. So, hello.
Rollecoaster Tycoon is fucking awesome. When you get to ride the virtual coasters in III, it blew my mind. Welcome Mister Razer922. Where is thy country of residence?
I want Rollercoaster Tycoon! T_T I only have (ALL OF) the Zoo Tycoons. Anyway, welcome. Love the avatar even though I'm not really a GH fan.
I don't mean to sound like a moderator or anything, but make sure you don't double-post (or make two posts in a row). Anyway. Welcome to the LPA. Read the rules and regulations and have fun posting!