Discussion in 'News' started by Ree, Jun 15, 2012.

  1. kev_

    kev_ Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2007
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    Maybe this has already been mentioned, there's a lot of pages in this thread, but is the sample at the end of Tinfoil and beginning of Powerless the exact same one from Burning in the Skies
  2. LPHybrid Soldier

    LPHybrid Soldier Banned

    Mar 26, 2012
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    All those songs are great and i love em, but LP can go even harder because many people LP is at their best when they are heavy, there slow songs are great no doubt, BTH, LOATR, SOTD, shit even she couldn't all nice songs but crictis claim Victimized is the most heaviest song LP has done its clearly not its hard like their old stuff but i know they can make really heavy shit. And the greatest thing abiout that is they dont have to include that nu metal sound, or electronica sound like on this album.
  3. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Linkin Park is never going to make Meteora again. Nor QWERTY, nor any other song you are gauging as "metal" on any album ever again, at the present, or the future. They wont make "hard stuff like their old stuff" because they did it for two albums (FOUR if you count the remix discs). They're done with that, and will not retread back to something stale and already done. The sooner you realize that, the better you'll be. You'd think that after close to 3 albums that didn't sound like Meteora, that this would begin to become obvious to you.

    I'm sorry, but I find it ridiculous that the band revisited and updated their old sound on this album, did practically something for everyone...and there's still a fan out there who's whining cause it's not heavy enough.
  4. Andreina

    Andreina Proud Venezuelan LP fan. LPA Contributor

    Dec 24, 2011
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    Gotta love Derek's posts. Always nails it.


    It's funny and a bit naive on my part on how I decided to listen to "the leak" on release day because I didn't "want to wait for the LT thread to be on page 49" when I get my album on my hands, and this thread has almost 49 pages already with 9 days still to go BEFORE US release date. I predict it'll be around 150 pages if the hype is still up until then.

    I don't know how I didn't see this coming :lol:
  5. Atticus

    Atticus Bullets lance the bravest lungs

    Jul 27, 2010
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    You are literally impossible to please. But at least you have Hybrid Theory.
  6. LPHybrid Soldier

    LPHybrid Soldier Banned

    Mar 26, 2012
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    I didnt say anything about making Meteora again, why would any one want Meteora again? I've accepted that Lp will never go "back to der rootz" we all know that, it was great for that time era
    but that doesnt mean they can make heavy stuff anymore, Victimized is perfect. Because it sounds nothing like HT or Meteora.
  7. Elaine

    Elaine The One They Call Elaine. LPA VIP

    Feb 21, 2012
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    I would like to point out that just because a song is heavy doesn't make it good.
  8. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    I'm just annoyed by you asking them to be heavier, when this album has some of the dirtiest beats, heaviest bass and most thumping drums of their career. This album has such crunch and energy in it, and it's in your face for many parts of it's 36 minute runtime.

    Until It Breaks' rap verses have such heavy bass I have to practically turn off my subwoofer. Victimized, while short is straight up metal during the choruses. Even the soft songs have pretty heavy choruses (I'll Be Gone's chorus and bridge being a decent example). Even LITE is "heavy" when you consider the thump on the track.

    I feel like you're the type of fan that could never be satisfied. They'd make a track where they did nothing but death metal, and you'd say they didn't have enough double-kicks, or that Chester needed to scream more. I'd bet money on it.
  9. Nobody Can Shave Me Now

    Nobody Can Shave Me Now Formerly known as Ron Jeremy LPA VIP

    May 30, 2009
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    Living Things is :awesome: so shut your trap. Nuff said. Bitches!
  10. minuteforce

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    All this from an imperfect rip too ...
  11. minusxerø

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Of course he's never going to be satisfied. His name is LPHybrid Soldier. And he created that username in 2012.
  12. Elaine

    Elaine The One They Call Elaine. LPA VIP

    Feb 21, 2012
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  13. LPHybrid Soldier

    LPHybrid Soldier Banned

    Mar 26, 2012
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    I am more than satisfied with this album, its great but IMO it's not their best.
  14. Nobody Can Shave Me Now

    Nobody Can Shave Me Now Formerly known as Ron Jeremy LPA VIP

    May 30, 2009
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    Seriously, Living Things is an accomplishment. :adam:
  15. wolflink

    wolflink I feel very privileged in debt for my thirst

    Jul 23, 2010
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    Hello back friends
    I dissconected myself from LPA since the leak
    I just wanted to create my own opinion about the album
    here is my review:
    Remember im not a profesional reviewer.

    Lost in the Echo:
    it seems this was the more expected song from the fans ( i expected castle of glass), then we got the snippet and the expectation grew even more.
    I remember the last friday i was waiting for the leak to come and then at the shoutbox someone (i dont remember who) post a link to itunes i just clicked without expecting something big, but then lost in the echo started and i tought: this can´t be happenig, wow, i start to shake and my emotion overflowed.
    i remember that "yeah" at the very beggining and then i was complelty sold with lost in the echo, but after a few listens i realized that is not the best LT song.
    I substract 1 point only because the guitars are very hidden again.

    In my remains
    A very very LP style song almost generic in the first 1:30 minutes but the bridge makes the difference and gives its own personality.
    Very catchy very pop/rock and a very good idea the gang vocals in the back. Again i substract 1 point because the first 1:30 minutes ver y generic LP.

    Burn it down
    Another song that feel very LPish, but BID shows the pop side of the band, this is the kind of song that actually feed "literally" the band. I substract 2 points because it offers nothing new is exactly like ND or Numb or WFTE.

    Lies greed misery
    or the "savenger song"; once i completly listen in full to LT i realized that it was a mistake to leak LGM.
    LGM is a strange song, again the firts time i listen it i tought WTF; i highlight the vcvc fast, fun to listen, and i substract 1.5 for the bridge/outro it feels incomplete.

    I´ll be gone
    If living thing has a weak piont then i´ll be gone is that weak point.
    I like the song but it feels empty and without soul. I dont know if its because the quality but i cant hear the fkin strings from owen palette and that was suppossed to be a higlight in the song. i consider IBG and IMR twin songs; Ill be gone is an introvert being otherwise IMR is extroverted. I substract 3 points because is the more "not risk" song in the record.

    Track 6 Castle of glass and the real Living things.
    I think that the first part of the album (5 songs) unfolds and its based on HT, MTM and lastly meteora.
    Since you listen to the music in castke of glass you know that something new is coming something epic, yeah the first part give us LITE, IMR and LGM wich are very very good but nothin compared with the last 6 songs.

    castle of Glass
    wow, wow and wow this song gives me chills every time it starts, is something new, it smells like fresh paint , it is an honor to me as a fan to have a song like castle of glass, all i can say is Thank you LP.

    it was said it was brutal, it was said it was strong, it was said it was short and only the last one is right is short, damn brad, rob this was the perfect song for one crazy guitar/drums solo a la dragonforce.
    But now i think victimized is not brutal is not strong, it is short but i would add something more: It is WEIRD and FKIN WEIRD. I substract .5 because it is a missing chance that outro.

    sorry fellas i got to go tomorrow i´ll finish my review.
  16. Nimz Lp

    Nimz Lp niimz94

    Feb 9, 2012
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    Lost In The Echo
    Castle Of Glass
    I'll Be Gone Should Be The Next 3 Singles
    Even In My Remains Is Good :D
  17. cloudscream

    cloudscream Static

    Jul 30, 2010
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    Give him this. He'll be satisfied.
  18. anibhat123

    anibhat123 New Member

    Jun 16, 2012
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    I was wondering if there would be any Making of Living Things or something like of previous 3 records...It would be nice to see if there was :rolleyes:
  19. Nish

    Nish Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2012
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    Having listened to the album a few more times now, I don't get the hype being generated around LOST IN THE ECHO. Sure it's good, you can even call it great, but I've seen people talk about it like it's the defining song of the band's career. Don't get me wrong, I love the song but it isn't even the best on the album. I'd be so happy if they released something like IN MY REMAINS or CASTLE OF GLASS as their next single
  20. pytt

    pytt Self-proclaimed Genius

    May 2, 2007
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    There's also the moment when you're just not a fan anymore. :) I love Hybrid Theory & Meteora. I'm not saying they should go back to it. It's just that the band has lost my interest, and that is probably what is the case for a lot of people. Including the people that 'complain' about the band losing their roots etc etc.

    This album, for me, has definitely showed me I'm no longer interested in their current music. Doesn't take away I love their old music.
    Fact that some people are registered from 2012 on this forum doesn't completely say much. I've been a fan since the very start of Linkin Park (not so much a fan anymore now), and on this forum my account has been registered in 2007. It's just opinions, but claiming a band should do this or that, yea, it's the band's choice. :)

    It's good for Linkin Park that their fanbase loves their music no matter what. But they've lost me and a couple others quite a while ago. :)

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