This. I live in a secluded area, plus it's right in the middle of exam week so I can't really grab my friends for a listening part-ayy.
I'm in! But only if it happens before or on june 22 the latest. I could possibly wait until that date if it leaks, but no way I'm gonna wait until the 26th
"Streetsolider" LOL, Actually Im quite the opposite, I have my own house, two cars, two kids, a beautiful wife, a great paying real physical job. But I do have the mentality of a guy that this pic describes.
like I said in the other thread, fuck no, I'm too weak and as soon as it leaks I'm on that shit like a fly.
This is the only reason I am even conflicted about it, I already preordered and have no qualms about downloading the leak except OH THE JOY of having that physical copy in your hands, it is really something. So I will try my damndest not to give in to the leak temptation.
Mike is very talented and smart, we all know that. But is he being dead serious with this? does he REALLY think all (or even most) people will wait until the release date? thats just not the way things work anymore
If you read the whole blog post you'd realize that the message Mike was trying to get across was that he wants to try to make listening to a new album a more memorable, and preferably social, event. Have you ever had a moment where you heard a brand new song with someone for the first time? Think about the premiere of LIES, GREED, MISERY and how all the LP fans in Zane's studio got to share the excitement amongst themselves and with us, here on the forums. The reactions that blew up the shoutbox, the cheers in the studio when the song ended. People talking back and forth on the forums about what they thought of this part or that, the music, the lyrics, how blown away or impressed or even underwhelmed they were. I still remember exactly where I was when I first heard a Linkin Park song. I was sitting in my school's gymnasium before we were allowed to go to our homerooms (this was for kids who got there too early, that the teachers weren't there), and my friend Rob comes up to me with Hybrid Theory. "Hey, check out this song." He played "In the End" for me, and we spent a good 20 minutes talking about it. We got another 20 people to listen to it, too, and it was an awesome experience. I remember exactly where I was when I first heard ATS, too. I was in my room, laying on my bed with my iPod on and my Sennheiser headphones over my ears. I listened to the album and loved it, but it wasn't an experience. I had no one to share it with, so while I remember it clearly, it's not really anything special. That's why Mike made this challenge.
Yeah i get all that. I would love if every LP fan somehow listened to it together in one big room or something on release day. But nothing like that wont happen. Someone may throw a release date party or something, but worldwide, most people will listen to a leak if they get their hands on it. Me personally I like to listening to brand new music with crazy good headphones A LONE in my room. More calm and settled down. I focus more on the music better too. June 26th is will be fun regardless because it will be out in stores and all that
I see where you are coming from, but there is also the side of it that i think it's more of an experience to listen to it alone, because with people over it creates distractions, they might talk about the song during the song, ect. I find it more enjoyable sitting in my room, with nothing else else going on, no interruptions from anybody, just focusing on the music. That;s my preference, but can also see your side of it and that some people like it that way compared to the way I like it
I'm going to have my own listening party at my room once the album leaked but definitely will buy the CD on the released date.