the term "disect" means that the specimen is dead at the time of incision. the term that should be used is "vivisect". i'm surprised this happened in conservative, mormon utah of all places, but i guess there are stupid people everywhere. torturing any animal with as much emotion and brain activity as a dog is disgusting.
why would you be surprised? if anything, it would be more expected, seeing how conservatives are the ones hunting, let alone mormons whose religion doesnt allow you to be vegetarian. i would be very surprised if it happened in a liberal place.
Hmm... Let's see, isn't the dog man's best friend? I mean, okay, some dogs get pissed and maul people to death, but really, do you have to rip them open and disect them? That is so fucking wrong.
well if you had more education and knew people who have gone through things like i know people, and actually had some research in the matter you wouldnt jump conclusions. just because you cant move does NOT mean that you cannot feel. i am posotive that i know more about anesthesia than you. being knocked out/decapaciting the brain and being under the influence of anethesia are very different. infact, even today, we are not sure why anesthesia puts you to sleep.
An animal is still an animal. If you're against it, you should be against it because the animal is alive, not just because you might think of Fido at home being dissected. Fish are domestic animals that are loved as well.