Live Earth Tokyo Starts Within Hours

Discussion in 'News' started by Mark, Jul 6, 2007.

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  1. dragon ninja

    dragon ninja Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2005
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    I hope someone rips 'Faint' in high quality, the ending is absolutely sick.
  2. Chris

    Chris LPA Addict LPA Addict

    Feb 21, 2003
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    Hahninator has full rips.
  3. Bennington_Hahn

    Bennington_Hahn This goes out to everybody still hatin' LPA VIP

    Apr 6, 2007
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    Argh! I missed over half the concert! I only saw the end of OSC, then LFY, the end of crawling, and In the End. I missed all the good stuff! :(

    It wasn't organised very well in the UK, I missed the first part of Live earth and started watching it from 5am.

    All the LP songs were highlights from earlier. Tokyo is a couple of hours ahead after all. Nevermind.
  4. general41391

    general41391 Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2007
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    You can watch the whole thing again on live earth website
  5. s_d

    s_d New Member

    Jun 30, 2007
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    I know this is just about Linkin Park's performance not the concept of Live Earth altogether but it's the only Live Earth related thread on the forum so I thought I'd just mention what I'm thinking about Live Earth.

    The whole idea was pointless. I think Chris Rock put it best when he said that 'Live Earth is gonna do for climate change what Live 8 did for world hunger' and that's nothing!

    I keep hearing about how the event was spread across 'seven continents' or whatever and imagine how many flights had to be made to travel to and from the different shows by artists involved and the road trips made by fans to get there. The biggest thing that bothers me though is that 80% or more of people that went out to see the shows live probably couldn't give two squirts of piss about climate change and just thought of it as a festival style line up of artists that they were excited to see perform. How many people on this forum actually care enough to do simple things like use fluorescent compact light bulbs, switch lights off when you leave a room, keep appliance turned off when they're not in use for a long time, turn down your heating, use less hot water, don't leave the tap running and other basic things like this which take little to no effort at all?

    I know Linkin Park founded Music For Relief, they pride themselves on contributing to other positive causes such as this and are planning to make future tours more green which is respectable. To be honest though most of the artists involved probably don't spend much time thinking about climate change, how it's going to effect the world or make much of an effort (if at all) to do what they can to help prevent it.
  6. Derek

    Derek Administrator LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Quoted for truth.

    People don't care enough. You can release as many 'inconvenient truth'-esque movies and plan as many live earth like concerts as you want but most people wont do enough. It's how humans are. We don't care as much as we should.
  7. Luke

    Luke Mind Your Manners. LPA Addicted VIP

    Jun 23, 2004
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    It's true.

    I guess it's just in our nature to ultimatly destroy ourselves. I do however think Global Warming is being drasticly over-exagerated though.
  8. Louis

    Louis No really, we are so back. LPA Team

    Apr 17, 2005
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    It's over-exaggerated now so that we don't leave it until later.

    But it's not working, so.
  9. s_d

    s_d New Member

    Jun 30, 2007
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    It really is getting to the point of no return, if people are still sleeping on this they may as well be dead. Sounds harsh and possibly way over the top but it's what I honestly feel and know I won't regret saying. As soon as I seriously started to look into the whole idea of global warming, I started to make all the proposed changes possible, I'm not the owner of the house I live in so there's obviously some stuff I can't really change but all the little things that can be changed with simply taking a few second out of your day, I make sure it's done, to the point that I'm practically following around other people that live at home with me and switching stuff off, turning off the heating, don't put any clothes in the dryer when not necessary etc etc.

    If people cared enough to even find out about it then they would be scared. The only thing is, even now when it's kind of all over the place and you're seeing it and hearing about it on TV, movies and other things it still isn't giving away vital information, that's something that people need to look into themselves and unless they have something to really slap em in the face and show them how serious it is they won't care enough to. Most recently noticeable is that The Simpson's movie is an obvious metaphorical reference to global warming (not the best wording I know) but would people go out and look into it... No! Even the film is sort of playing down the whole concept.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2007
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