I just watched the LITE performance and it. Was. Amazing. Chesters screams were crazy good, like I haven't heard him sound like that in a long time. It starts at 11:00 [video]http://m.youtube.com/?reload=3&rdm=mc3h05248#/watch?v=GJCmzSCuybM[/video]
i had seen the lite summer sonic 2013 performance it was really amazing .chesters screams were also enough crazy
You could throw this performance into a 2004 show and nobody would see a difference. Incredible job. INB4 everyone says "Yeah cuz LITE is exactly like HT/Meteora"
Haven't watched the whole video but I just have to point this out. In these latest proshots I'm not liking how they're still dowmixing the guitars even in HT songs... In APFMH I see Brad playing and you can barely hear him