Hello everyone, I know a lot of people have asking in the shoutbox about memorial events. Here is a list of events from a Google doc that keeps getting updated on the regular. Mike Tweeted about it and I'm posting here to hopefully get the word out to people. I sadly am going to a concert the night of the Seattle memorial and will miss it but I hope you guys are able to make it to events around you https://docs.google.com/document/d/1d_aHfWvz0exqz5JKqGVjPzQRLqBLkaFTjbiuktQpKyI/mobilebasic Tweet: EDIT: I tried to post the list of all the events in this post but I said I was over the character limit so just go to the link posted in the thread if it works for you or go to Mike's tweet if not!
Thank you very much for posting this! I just asked the question about the memorials in another thread too . I would so much like to attend but don't know if I will have the strenght: the closer memorial is about 2.30 hours drive from my town :/
Just found out about this one in Chicago. (Berwyn) Apparently you get an accommodation if you bring your tinley ticket. https://www.facebook.com/events/570372086686723??ti=ia
I was yesterday at an event for Chester in Bratislava, Slovakia There were around 600 people there, which is amazing for a small country like Slovakia (but there were two more events in other Slovakian cities) The event was in a big park near the river. There was a DJ and large speakers, so it was like a big party. First there was a moment of silence for Chester, followed by all kinds of songs until late at night. First there were sad songs like Shadow of The Day, Primo, Nobody Can Save Me, Heavy, but later it turned into a party mode with people moshing and singing. At the end, they played In Pieces, followed by One More Light. It was a truly amazing experience.
I'm the organizer for the only memorial in Tennessee, being held in Nashville. I honestly have no idea what I'm doing but I'm sure we'll figure it out, the people who I've talked to have all been really enthused about helping to make it happen. That said, if anyone could put me in touch with some of the other memorial organizers so I can get an idea of what to do past my current bare-bones structure that'd be great lol.
I know how you feel because it was so sad to see no one organised anything where I live and a thought came to my mind to organise sth. I started posting on twitter and opened a facebook page, so many people joined. Now there are around 150 people interested in coming, we have to ask the US embassy for a permission to leave flowers and candles there but they'll probably deny our request. We have to find another public space, probably a park and our meeting has to be reported to the police. People came with all sorts of ideas (to bring instruments, flowers, balloons, candles, a cd player if everything else fails, pictures, posters, to hold a minute of silence at midnight) and now I'm wondering what I've got myself into not to mention that it will be organised in a town 700 km away from where I live and I have to travel. Of course I'm glad sth will be organised because Chester deserved it but sometimes I have no idea what I'm doing and if everything will be done properly.
It's honestly the thought that counts. Just the fact that something is being organized is special in itself
I agree but also I feel responsible to be organised properly because we're doing it for a special person and if if I have to give a speech it will be awful as I'm not good at being exposed. I'm sure everything will be very nice but there are so many people that it can go either way.
Thanks Fortunately there's someone else organising it with me because there are some technical stuff I can't take care of myself.
Thanks, this made me laugh and I need a bit of that now We'll try our best and I'll post pictures here if there are some nice ones