Teases Fans With "A Thousand Horizons"

Discussion in 'News' started by Benjamin, Aug 23, 2011.

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  1. Jadedjcbxnyc6981

    Jadedjcbxnyc6981 Active Member

    Mar 15, 2011
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    just a guess but they're probably will be recording the show at Tokyo and have a DVD/CD combo a la "Live in Texas" and "Road to Revolution" and its probably called "A Thousand Horizons".....;)
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2011
  2. SuperDude526

    SuperDude526 Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2010
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    That's what I thought too. :p
  3. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    @Ben: I don't see anything? o_O
  4. Diablorojo

    Diablorojo Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2007
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    A Thousand (CONCERTS) Horizons (CITIES OF THE WORLD)

    I think that they will release a live dvd with footage from many different places, just like Iron Maiden did with Flight 666.
  5. Benjamin

    Benjamin LPA team LPA Super VIP

    Jun 18, 2010
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    Let's try this again:

  6. Heavy is the Louis

    Heavy is the Louis No really, we are so back. LPA Team

    Apr 17, 2005
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    I wouldn't be surprised if this is some sort of live performance of the album in it's entirety, or something to that effect. I think an EP is wishful thinking, and it makes more sense for it to be some sort of Live DVD/CD combo. However, it's also pretty soon considering they released a live album after Minutes to Midnight​. We'll see what happens.
  7. Jadedjcbxnyc6981

    Jadedjcbxnyc6981 Active Member

    Mar 15, 2011
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    That'll be a cool concept but Joe's message on Twitter specifically mentions Tokyo.......:ohno:why oh why does LP toy with us?
  8. Harlz

    Harlz More Scared Of You Than You Are Of Me LPA Super Member

    May 26, 2006
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    ATS dvd, album played right through.

    Then again... It's too soon to be teasing that....
  9. Benjamin

    Benjamin LPA team LPA Super VIP

    Jun 18, 2010
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    Definitely hopping on and ridin' that "ATS in full concert DVD" bandwagon.
  10. Astat

    Astat LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    May 3, 2004
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    Jeez, THIS much speculation over something that's fairly obvious? Let's take a look at all the guesses that make no sense:

    "Reanimation Part 2," or a remix album in general: The band has been in the studio working on new material, there's been no mention of remixes of any sort lately. They wouldn't be releasing a title for any kind of music release this early in the game, and the Tokyo reference makes no sense in this context, as a remix album is not a city-specific thing.

    New album: Again, no solid release date as of yet, and even if they finished the album TODAY, the soonest they'd have it out would be around the holidays with all the internal label stuff that goes on between album completion and release date. The earliest reasonable expectation for a new album would be like March of 2012 (and even that's ridiculously optimistic). Once again, they wouldn't be releasing a title this early in the game, and a new album is not a city-specific thing, so the Tokyo reference makes no sense.

    A new EP: See "new album." Granted, they'd be able to crank out an EP a lot quicker with fewer songs needing to be finished, but an EP is no more city-specific than an album is, and they aren't doing an EP anyway, all of their recent interviews exclusively talk about their next full-length album being due sometime next year.

    A new videogame/8-Bit Rebellion type thing: I believe LP's development deal with Artificial Life is supposed to expire next spring, so it would make sense to crank something else out before it expires, but then again, the original deal was for 3 years, with a goal of releasing 2 apps per year...that partnership has resulted in a grand total of one app so far, so I wouldn't be surprised if that deal has been nixed anyway. And again, not a city-specific thing.

    Live CD/DVD: While this makes a bit more sense than any of the above ideas, in order for the Tokyo reference to work, one would have to assume that the DVD was being filmed in Tokyo. Since when does Linkin Park announce ahead of time where a DVD is going to be filmed, and why would they release a title for it before even filming it?

    LPU Summit: It's pretty much a given at this point that there will be one in Tokyo on the upcoming tour, they just haven't announced it yet. But why would they come up with a special title for it and tease it as something special? The format of the Summit is pretty straightforward and there hasn't been any indication that they plan on changing it. Now if they were to DEBUT something at the LPU Summit in Tokyo, that would be something that would be worth hyping, but as I keep saying, they wouldn't have a title out for whatever it is already if it was a commercial release, and other than the possibility of a new videogame (since they beta tested 8BR with LPU members), none of the aforementioned ideas are things that management would give the go-ahead to debut at an event like an LPU Summit.

    "A Thousand Horizons" as the name of the Asian tour: I'll admit, this one makes a fair bit of sense. But singling out Tokyo in announcing it is kind of odd if it's the name of the entire tour, don't you think? LP also hasn't really bothered giving their tours special names lately, and the Asian shows have been promoted as part of the general "A Thousand Suns World Tour" up to this point.

    ATS re-release, similar to ATS+ in Europe: The title would make sense for something like this, but if that were the case, it would at the very least be a Japan-wide release, not something restricted to Tokyo.


    It pretty much HAS to be something that specifically relates to the Tokyo performance. Now think about things the band has said relating to live performances lately. Chester has been adamant for the better part of the last year that he wants to do A Thousand Suns in its entirety on stage at some point. Brad just said in the LPU chat the other day that he's looking forward to debuting Robot Boy "in a special setting." Robot Boy is the only song from the album that they haven't played live, so it's a hurdle they have to clear in order to play the entire album like Chester wants. Just a few days after Brad's chat, this pops up, and Joe tweets about Tokyo. Any type of one-off performance would be a "special setting," and they're singling out Tokyo in hyping whatever this is. A title like "A Thousand Horizons" obviously means it has something to do with A Thousand Suns, they aren't going to throw out a title like that and then dust off A Place for My head for the 73rd time.

    Honestly...could it really be anything else? Sure, it'll probably end up being released as a DVD later on, but that's not what they're hyping right now, they're just hyping the performance.
  11. Hybrid

    Hybrid Has Gone Rogue. LPA Team

    Feb 4, 2011
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    Words. Lots of words. But agreeable lots of words.
  12. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    "THAT" much speculation only existed on the first page or two before Joe's tweet was found and edited into the news post. There hasn't been rampant and wild speculation since it was verified it was in Tokyo. Since the second page on, it'd pretty much been agreed that it's not a remix album, not an EP, since it's "fairly obvious" that this is connected 100% to the show in Tokyo. All that guessing existed when nobody knew about Joe's tweet, so that post kinda was an unnecessary debunking of already debunked things that truthfully didn't need to be re-debunked. No offense, just being honest.

    As for my guess: the Tokyo show will likely be a special concert. It likely won't be a traditional setlist, but instead a special performance of ATS the entire way through, perhaps even with special tour visuals/other bells and whistles to compliment it.
  13. Deadly8s

    Deadly8s Member

    Aug 24, 2011
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    I wonder if this has anything to do with the one year anniversary of ATS being right around the Conner ?
  14. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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  15. Rezanator

    Rezanator Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2010
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    It's a compilation dvd/blu-ray of all of Phoenix's jokes to date.
  16. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Answering Deadly8s, it's likely for charity for Japan and not necessarily tied to the ATS anniversary. Still it couldn't have been more perfect timing haha.
  17. Deadly8s

    Deadly8s Member

    Aug 24, 2011
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    corner* good catch!
  18. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Glad you didn't take offense to that and found it funny :lol:. We're quite a humorous and joking bunch here on LPA.

    Thanks for joining us here! The next few months are going to be big for LP!
  19. Deadly8s

    Deadly8s Member

    Aug 24, 2011
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    Ah its all in good fun lol, and thanks for the warm welcome. Been thinking about joining for awhile and finally decided to just crack.
  20. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Couldn't have picked a better time :). With LP working on album 5, and some sort of...interesting thing happening with Tokyo happening within a month or two (as evidenced by this thread), it's gonna be a fun next few months.
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