Well the track is .... good. It's not mind blowing , nor is it bad. I see it as a sample of the whole album, which gets me really excited for it. As always with every CD they change some things , which I'm okay with. As far as singles go , I'd give it 8/10
I agree with this. It passes One Step Closer and The Catalyst for me Im really hoping for a Leto collab. My hopes were Kendrick Lamar and Leto. Ill take Rakim tho instead of Kdot. Still an amazing feature. Now hoping for Leto
Stop it, Linkin Park! I'm not even done listening to Living Things! lol All kidding aside, thank you, LP, for living up to your promise to keep on making music faster!
I guess you're right, but I don't think a single for TF needs to sound electronic. What I've Done and Iridescent weren't electronic, and they were fine for TF. Plus, we don't know if the whole album is going to be this raw, like most other LP songs there'll probably be a couple heavy songs mixed in with some softer music.
It's growing on me, as did The Catalyst after a few listens. Really digging the intro. Somewhere I Belong will always be their best album single. That was sick back in the day. I've never been a fan of "metal" or bands like Avenged so I don't know if I'll ultimately end up being blown away but I can appreciate the instruments coming back and the fact they're thinking differently, but this is different. I LOVE the bridge though. That's awesome.
When I heard the song for the first time this is what it sounded like to me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZRQmcQK6Lk
Mike just said on twitter "Who will have the chutzpah to play a 6 minute Linkin Park single featuring Rakim?" Hmm wonder if there's gonna be any "radio friendly" songs on this album at all.
Hey, guys! I just downloaded the song and find this in the info: so I was wondering... Is this cause of the site I downloaded it from or is it really a potential name for the album? Sorry if if it's connected to the site I used, I don't want to look stupid, just asking?
I want to get excited, I want to yell to all near me, ALL ABOARD THE HYPE TRAIN!, but all I can keep repeating to myself is remember qwerty. so excited for an album that bored me.
Yeah, I understand.... But it would make sense if the band or specifically Mike would start to work again on the demos like Optimus, Bumblebee that were supposed to be for Transformers Films but instead choosing Megatron (New Divide) for ROTF. I mean there's nothing wrong on looking back those demos since those were the demos written specifically for Transformers.. But to make things work out, They need to re-evaluate again if those will fit again for the theme of the movie... Seriously, we don't even know at this point what the band can pull out under their sleeves..
Holy shit, listening to this is what it felt like to hear One Step Closer for the first time. Fucking awesome.
Absolutely loving the instrumentation and the inclusion of Rakim (boy that came out of the left field!). I was waiting for screamy vocals as it would've suited this song better. The melodious vocals seemed a bit out of place but I GUESS it creates an interesting contrast. Again, the instrumentation blew me away, seriously. The only thing that still disappoints me are the lyrics sigh.
There's a cinematic quality in both songs, and that's what's needed first and foremost for a "Transformers" single. To be fair, "QWERTY" was never a single from "Midnight".
The more I listen to this the less I like it, tbh. I like literally everything except Chester's part and lyrics. Not only does it sound cheesy, but it also sound really amateurish. It just doesn't sound right. Rakim's verse is great and the drums & guitars sound awesome, it's just Chester's part that I don't like. I've been listening to it over and over again hoping it will grow on me, but the chorus is just too weak. Call me crazy, but I honestly prefer the over produced and polished ATS and LTs songs than the "raw" sound we're getting here. It's Chester's lyrics and voice that sound so cheesy, it's the only part ruining the song for me. This song is one step forward but two steps backwards.