It's okay... I wish I can hear it in higher quality. Shazam won't let me play it and I'll im hearing is a 720p audio version on youtube that sounds horrid.
+1 internets for your retort sir. EDIT: Finally finished the song. Does not feel like a 6 minute long song at all. This is good. And it's a.. refreshing listen.
I think every decision that was made making this song was spot on. Including the addition of Rakim. He wrote a well thought out verse that actually went with the theme of the song.
Then why not bring bieber,and gaga and shit Then why not man start to bring another man in their girlfriends bed maybe he is better than all of them ( no offense intended)(only a exagerated example) When they perform this song live and mike screw it then i ll give you the reason but what is going to happen is that mike will do it fine or better
I said "waning", not "nonexistent". This is all speculation, of course, but in the highly unlikely event that Mike doesn't spit a single verse on the album, I will be bitching the second it's over. However, if it's because they got massively talented rappers who never lost their edge to do them instead, I'll immediately stop complaining. I'm actually excited about the collaboration aspect. Who else will be on this?
I intentionally HATED the production on this track, but I've come around. I LOVE, LOVE how fucking raw it sounds!!! I usually hate this kind of mastering, but it totally works!
Hi my name is ...what? My name is ...who? My name is ... Fat shady sorry for double posting AGAIN and AGAIN i believed there should be more posting today