yea, and John Howard (Australian Prime minister and biggest wanker of all time) Can't wait for the election next year, all we need is for Peter garret to become labour leader... PG 4 PM already!!
hehe... rofl! Isn't LP a little to late to make anti-Bush songs? He already is at the end of his term.
Most of the countries that are involved in the Iraq war are going to pot. Blair has been in power in the UK for 10 years almost now, and he is still blaming things that have gone wrong on the Conservatives. Well I'm sorry Blair but I am voting them back in because they want to give responsibilty back to the citizens when labour took it away and made us depend on them; look what happened.. The book was upside down?? I think all Presidents and PMs should pass a literacy, common sense and IQ test before electing themselves to govern a country...
It doesn't matter what you expect, it matters what you sign up for. You can expect to be paid a million dollars working at Target all you want, it doesn't mean that's what's going to happen. And please, esaul17, don't put words in my mouth. In no way did I say "they enlisted, this is what they get," so don't tell me that's what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that, when you enlist, you enlist no matter what the consequences. I would never say what you're claiming, as I have numerous relatives involved in the military, including a brother. Don't tell me what I'm saying. I understand your point and respect it, but please don't speak for me. I don't mind political songs when they are slightly vague and can last the test of time. For example, if "No More Sorrow" is indeed about the current President (and it seems it is), I don't mind it at all.
Agreed 100%. I love LP to death, and I have for about 5 years now, but if they keep making songs like that they're definitely gonna have trouble keeping me as a fan.
um if hes so blood thirsty why did Kerry support it, Hillary support it, hell most of the big democrats all jumped on the "patriotic" bandwagon
Because they thought the president might actually tell the truth about something. At least Kerry and Hillary are capable of admitting that they have made a mistake, unlike dubya who thinks he's perfect and would never screw up
The book upside down is a false urban legend: But yes Bush is still stupid.
The thing is, I hate Tony Blair. I can remember when I was just a little kid he was cocking up and going back on the things he said. Nothings changed since. However in saying that I do feel that people are too harsh on him sometimes. I mean America is our biggest ally, I don't think any other Prime Minister from any other party would have said no to going to war in Iraq because of that. The thing I hate is that Blair has dented the very fabric of what makes Britain Britain by becoming a lap dog to the biggest liar and most evil son of almost equally bigger bitch. So I don't entirely blame Blair (even though I hate him with a passion), I blame Bush. There are no words to describe what an absolute demon he is.
With all due respect, the same could be said about Bush -- you could say he thought the information given to him was accurate. It just depends on what you're willing to believe, and which side you sway to. I personally think he would have gone in either way, and I personally think Kerry and Hillary would have supported it either way as long as the public supported it.
Well said But I still hate Blair with a vengeance, when the time comes to vote I am voting Conservative back in because I agree with their policy.
Sometimes I don't know if Bush is being an idiot or being a liar. It's probably a little of both, and you have to be an idiot to be so evil to lie to your nation anyway. As for LP bashing Bush, I think it's funny that Chester says he's grown up, so only now he cares about current issues. Sounds like he was more of an idiot before than apathetic. I think the real reason they're saying this now is because Warner is giving them more room to breathe now, even if it is "cool" to Bush-bash now. BTW in reference to Bush-bashing, I love this quote from Rolling Stone: "'That's the most punk-rock thing you can do in L.A.: say "George Bush is f*cking awesome" instead of talking about how lame it is that he's fighting for oil,' says Parker. 'The only way to be more hardcore than everyone else is to tell the people who think they're the most hardcore that they're p*ssies, to go up to a tattooed, pierced vegan and say, "Whatever, you tattooed f*ggot, you're a pierced f*ggot and whatever." '' He looks very pleased with himself. 'That's hardcore.'" -Trey Parker
As I said in another thread kind of related to this. No More Sorrow doesn't have to be just related to Bush, it can be about any political leader, a couple of example could include; Blair, Hitler and Saddam. Because most political leaders lie to get support from their constituents and the fact that a lot of money and lives have been lost in the Iraq war kind of sucks. Doesn't help that I heard yesterday on the news that Bush said no to a veto and he still wants troops in the frontline. At least Blair is slowly letting British troops come home; very slowly might I add. But as I said, this song doesn't just have to be about the current leaders
I suggest you all go to google video and look up a documentary called "Loose Change". Make sure you get the newest one thats an hour and a half long or so (2nd Edition Recut). I believe it will completely change your opinion on this administration and even September 11th. Infact after watching it, I no longer trust most of Washington right now.
It's sad that Labour are actually the best of our first parties. I'd vote Green if it wouldn't essentially be wasting my vote.
Hmm, it was polling day today. Did I get my polling card in the post? Nope. I think Labour did it on purpose so they won't lose