What is wrong with indie pop anyway? I love indie pop. If we can get more music from LP that is as good as the best tracks from artists like Broken Bells, Lights, The Shins, LCD Sound System, the Ravenonettes and Metric, I would be all for it and would consider it a major evolution for the band.
Yeah, if you asked me a year ago what I want from the band I'd say "The Hunting Party x1000". Right now a calm, poppy, melodic album sounds amazing.
Sonically, I'm personally keen for more stuff like the softer songs we heard on the "MALL" soundtrack - add to that complete, fleshed-out lyrics, and a calmer body of work suits me just fine.
Agreed, I'd adore a softer album, but not necessarily a "poppier" album. I enjoy the band's poppier side a lot, but when the last two albums have been as high energy as they were, I'd really prefer them to take a u-turn into a less lively style. "Mall Soundtrack"-esque songs, fully fleshed out with great lyrics, would be amazing. Like White Noise, there can still be heavier or livelier songs on there, but an overall more subdued approach would be amazing IMO.
There cant be a good Nu-Metal album with good lyrics Seriously, i dont understand this either I can see what he is fearing thought...
Right now I'd be up for anything LP throws at me, especially if it's softer. At the moment, if I were to listen to anything heavier, I'd like it to be big, atmospheric and with great layers, and like I say on every album cycle, they should experiment with Industrial. I.e. this intro: [video=youtube;udO0hWyumhE]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udO0hWyumhE[/video] ^ That buildup gives me the chills.
Heck even if it's an album with 10 "It Goes Through"s I'd still be happy Not sure if I want LP to do that but I like it. Would be a good incentive to be a more devoted German learner.
Here's a thought: If LP is focusing much more on lyrics and melodies this time around, why would the songs have to be "softer" or "poppier" by nature? There's likely nothing stopping the band from still going a heavier route while having stronger lyrics with powerful melodies. With this in mind, I think I'd like to see LP legitimately try melodic hardcore or possibly something metalcore-esque, as well as incorporating what interests them during the songwriting process this time around. I just can't see a band like LP composing an album full of soft/laid back songs entirely, given the special LP flavor all of their albums have.
@Andreina: German music not available in Germany, of course. It sounds nice and very energetic, though I also think LP won't do something like this.
It's just easier to associate one with the other when the statement says they're accompanying lyrics with stripped down melodies (so far). But indeed there's room for everything, things can drastically change along the way and Primo > I'LL BE GONE are a perfect example of that (Oh God I love Primo).
Personally, I have to admit that I don't trust the band to make heavy/energetic songs and still impress me with good lyrics. They got lucky once or twice on "The Hunting Party" but that album was still shaky on the lyricism front, as all their albums are.
I'm really looking forward to this new album! I very happy that they're going in a new direction for LP7. And TBH i thought THP was them trying to appease the "fans" that only like the first two albums. I for one hope they don't go to the aggressive side for this album, or maybe even LP8. I want them to blow me away with things I haven't heard from them before. I am happy that they are working on the lyrics first, because that is what ATS does good. I am looking forward to LP 2016!
I just hope that they break away from their usual song structures... also I wouldn't mind some WTCFM/WAK type craziness
Their most lyrically cohesive work remains ATS, but IMO LT had pretty decent lyrics as well (IMR, IBG, CoG, RU, V verses, UIB). As much as I like THP conceptually, the lyrics often don't work out of context.
In my opinion, M2M - as a whole - has the best & meaningful lyrics by far. I think the lyrics came more naturally. ATS - in this regard - was mostly just to "pseudo-profound" and forced, besides of "The Messenger" and the most of "Iridescent". At least, that is my impression.
HI every one , i m new here and i ' m from Italy i hope the next record has the ATS complexity in terms of construction and lyrics and the energy of THP . Personally I hope it won ' t sound at all similar to Mall OST because except for White Noise i think it ' s one of the most forgettable things they ' ve done
Apart from maybe The Catalyst, I can't say I agree. Aside from the two you mentioned, I wouldn't describe the lyrics on BITS, Robot Boy, or WFTE as particularly "pseudo profound", just really well written lyrics about he same topics the band have always tackled. WTCFM doesn't feel particularly profound either, just something Mike wanted to get off his chest, and I can sort of see what you mean for The Catalyst and the outro of Blackout and, but again, I just think they're really good lyrics. Most of the lyrics on the album talk about the same themes the band have always talked about, relationships and feelings, just on ATS thy moved away from the "nobody gets me" attitude on Meteora towards a more mature and, I guess, even "poetic" way of talking about those topics. I agree with MTM, but again, I feel like the band were talking about largely the same things on MTM and ATS, with the exception of a few songs.