I love this.... Anyway, about LIVING THINGS. The first half was OKAY, the second half, everything from Castle of Glass up until POWERLESS was nearly as good as A Thousand Suns in my opinion.
@PickachuFuck By that very same logic, Minutes to Midnight is also a concept album. Wake carrys into Given Up, Leave Out All the Rest has the very same people from the beginning of Bleed it Out, the wind in No More Sorrow fades into Valentine's Day, and Shadow of the Day has a fade in to What I've Done. I guess Living Things is also a concept album too! Because Until It Breaks ends where Tinfoil begins! What fun! And what do you know, Tinfoil ends where Powerless starts! What a concept album! As to the lyrics of Meteora, that could just be seen as laziness in the song-writing department.
You're taking what I said out of context, a logical fallacy on your part. Though I agree with the rest of your points which go by the logic of what I posted, yes; I consider M2M a semi-concept too.. But that's at a long stretch, Rubin's minimalist production aesthetic gave Minutes To Midnight (My personal favourite LP record) a sound of it's own compared to the first two albums. Living Things tries and fails to be as deep as any other Linkin Park album in this respect, the songs do have a vague conceptual migration to them but it doesn't go as far as Meteora.
Boy, you really lost my respect before you had any with that first post but now I see just what a class act you are. I can smell a best debater award for this guy already! Not to mention you're ingenious username.
SEGUEING DOES NOT MAKE A CONCEPT ALBUM APPROACH. Thanks for your posts though, PikachuFuck, they were hilarious.
All of the albums except Hybrid Theory (unless you count Reanimation) have additions at the ends of some songs that lead into the 2 seconds of effects in the intros of the next songs. That in no way constitutes a CONCEPT album. A violin or flute between songs is not a concept. Lyrics tell the concept, and Meteora's aren't specifically conceptual. Wanting to be a better person is in most of LP's songs anyway. "A Thousand Suns is a multi-concept album dealing with human fears such as nuclear warfare." -Wikipedia page for the album. Mike even said in the interview that it isn't exactly a concept album but should still be listened to as one album, as did Chester. A concept album tells a story with an introduction(up to BITS) buildup(WTCFM, WFTE), climax (Catalyst), and resolution (The Messenger). Whereas Meteora isn't in any particular order because they are all individual songs. Numb is the final song and it is in no way a resolution or climax. "I've become so numb / Tired of being what you want me to be" is basically an introduction or rising action. Then again, that doesn't matter because Meteora isn't a concept album (although Numb is an abrupt song to end the album with). Also, you can't give yourself the checkmate, that's for everyone but you or the other arguing body to give. Source: I'm not my English teacher who looks into every fucking detail.
Exact! MTM definitely isn't a concept album, the fact that some songs (SOTD/WID) have some fades don't make it a concept album or at least concept songs. MTM have a lot of political songs, but it doesnt means that is a political album, it have a mix of personal lyrics and politic lyrics. ATS its a concept album lyrically and sonorously (Vide The requiem with The Catalyst lyrics and some sounds from other songs, burning in the skies and Fallout, Jornada del muerto and The catalyst); and even some song have personal lyrics, these lyrics can match with the album's theme. Back to the LP6, I would like to see a great concept (like I said, lyrically and sonorously like ATS, my favourite album) but with more organic songs, and this supposed ''new level of rock'' that the band's tech have mentioned. (Really sorry about my crapy english)