i was wondering if people but the individual singles when they are released even after you have the albums. I don't, i don't want to buy songs that i already have...but if it had some new material on it i would
nope if i have the album dont need to buy it cause its already on the album but when the single is out before the album then i will like Somewhere I Belong
I only bought the Numb single because i wanted the video for it. Besides that i have never bought an LP single
No. Usually it's just the song from the album with a live track. A waste of money, in my opinion. The only single I have is the FTI 1-track single, and I won that in a contest. If BTH has something besides a live track on it, I'll buy it.
I don't have any singles. If the single for BTH comes out before the video is available on the internet, then maybe I'll get it.
No, I don't. The only one I ever bought was the Papercut one because it was in the used section for $2... yes, I'm cheap and I think that they're not really worth the money.
Total waste of money if you already have the album. Actually, I have no clue how much singles usually cost, so unless its less than $1, I stand corrected.