I've seen Papercut and One Step Closer used a few times for "Globally Dismissed" on MTV, they usually play Papercut when somebody is about to pull the time out card.
I'm not sure if it is really sighting but in the new Maxim (The one with Avril on it) they interview her and she says "I'm mostly into rock band like Radiohead and Linkin Park."
Don't double post, use the edit button. [/b][/quote] Please leave the moderating to moderators. In a recent Simple Plan interview with Rolling Stone, one of the band member said he looked up to Linkin Park as an exemplary hard-working band.
In the Winnipeg Free Press there was a C.D. review for Sum 41's "Chuck" album and the guy who reviewed it said that the some of their songs sound similar to Linkin Park's style of writting.
On mtv there's a show called "Dissmissed" which really is a waste of time but they put LP music in the background several times. Also on mtv there is the making of the movie of "Shark Tale" and it mentions LP in there as a "new hip edgy band". (Was that a sighting)??
Not sure if this has been said, but sometimes on Triple M (Melbourne) they play the acapella of Breaking The Habit on the adds, or if they are doing a traffic report. BTW: Triple M is a radio station in Australia, you can listen online, at the MMM websites-search google not sure if Im allowed to post link )
ive noticed this.. every other week or so nbc will use LP's music on their prerace show during their video segments.. also the fox used LP's music at the end of innings in the world series..
On the DVD that comes with the collector's edition of Halo 2, during the chapter "Behind The Scenes: The Making Of Halo 2", at around 18:50-18:56, you see a fan wearing a green Linkin Park T-shirt. See? Bungie fans know what's up.
An ad for Mike's DC Remix Shoes is on page 11 of this month's Revolver [Edit] BTW it's the December issue, not the November one, but it came out this month...
i was walking to school this morning and i saw on the sidewalk someone had spray-painted the LP/JZ logo in bright neon orange paint.
there was full page ad for Mike's DCs in Rolling Stone (nov) and there was also an ad for the AMA's where LP was mentioned as a nominee and a presentor(same RS)