I've been counting, so far, 5 totally different rooms on room raiders have had soem form of LP merch, 3 posters and 2 CD's to be exact.
Taking Back Sunday was talking about Linkin Park and the Music for Relief. I missed part of the converstation, but I think one of the guys in the band jokingly said Joe Hahn was his brother. I might have misunderstood, but he was saying something like "the record scratching guy is my brother....he's 14". They were all laughing about it. Anyway, they were mentioning LP at the time so he had to have meant Joe! lol Just thought I'd post this to let you guys know about it in case you cared.
Yes. In one Serbian movie,guy had the same Chester tatoos(well-known flames)Isn't that cool? I was just
I just remembered a few weeks ago, I was flipping through channels and stopped it at some kind of talent show thing (might of been star search). The reason I had stopped was because I heard Linkin Park music. However, Linkin Park wasn't singing. It was their music and their words, but someone else was singing it. I guess they aren't allowed to use the real artists in competitions like that. I just thought that was wierd hearing someone else singing Linkin Park the way they did. I forget what song it was, but they were singing it differently. It was pretty good actually. Not as good as LP of course. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention it was a group of people DANCING to it---not singing it! haha
on the movie S.W.A.T they play Figure .09 when the prisoner was leaving the resturant after killing his uncle.... i was so surprised when it came on...
Haha that's old. I don't know if this has been reported, but in my area, the radio stations have an editted version of Numb/Encore. Instead of the modified Numb loop at the beginning, it has the original intro straight into "Encore, do you want more..."
We had a drunk driving presentation that played the intro to ETR and on a Brintey Spears sepcial on MuchMusic it showed her dance practicing to A Place For My head.
I guess I'm a week late, but here goes. While I was at Youth Quake last week, one of the videos they used had an edited version of Session on it. It involved a little bit piano and had a new ending.
Cure for the Itch was just used on an ad on the radio to promote stuff like the grand prix and stuff. =0
On the Saturday just passed, I went to Shockwave '05 (aussie christian fest) in Sunbury, Victoria- Australia. Anyway, one of the bands to preform called "5 Elements", did a Numb/Encore remix, like the dj had the Numb/Encore instrumental playing, and the two emcee's were rapping to it- but with different lyrics. Sounded really cool, hehe the black guy, was imitating Jay Z, and hence the white guy was imitating Mike.
i whent to a airsoft gun store, and they were playing mydecember then a poor(but sounded good) copy(tryed it himself,) of crawling(piano), he said it was a sad attemp, because he did from remix and was new to the peaino
Sum 41 just did an accoustic performance on Rollingstone.com and one of the guitar players is wearing an LP shirt. Here's the performance.
When I was watching "Kaya Mo Ba To?" on The Filipino Channel they played Hit The Floor and Faint during a roasting competition. I was so surprised when it came on!
When I was listening to fox radio (australian radio station) they were playing a linkin park track off reanimation in the back-round while the presenters were talking
Just a bit ago on the tv show Attack Of The Show they were telling a story about MGM suing Grokster(sp?) and they were looking up LP songs...
ok, I have no idea if it's been posted yet, but I saw LP's poster where Chaz holds his hands behind his neck in a TV show called 'The Popular' or 'Popular'(I have no idea how it is in English) We have a show in TV where a girl was in her room talking w/ her father and LP's song 'Faint' played in the background from the girl's music player(or how it's called) And after the tsunami in Asia, I saw a pic of a man who was wearing a black T-Shit and it had a big logo which said [LP]... I was so proud ...If I can find the pic I'll post it, but for now, bye...
http://www.filibustercartoons.com/archive....php?id=20020727 Political comics, Johnny Paul Koroma wearing a shirt that says Linkin Park. Yeah...
On Sabrina The Teenage Witch, on the episodes where she works at Scorch Magazine, there was a Linkin Park Reanimation pinup saying when it would drop in stores. Pretty old but I just saw the rerun today...