Linkin Park Premiere Lyrics To "Good Goodbye" On Genius

Discussion in 'News' started by Casual D, Apr 10, 2017.

  1. AkirraKrylon

    AkirraKrylon LPA VIP LPA VIP

    Jul 8, 2010
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    I get that, and yea I agree that's a good approach. I just worry a little because they specifically said they put a lot of attention to the lyrics first and foremost, and so far we've seen 30% of the album's lyrics (not counting small snippets from the other songs) and none of it is really inspiring or very creative lyric wise. Like, not even at all :(

    I'm still gonna give it a chance but based on the first 2 songs + these lyrics, this album is probably the least hyped I have been for an LP album ever. Coming from an LP fanboy that pretty much eats up anything they put out. *shrug*
    Iopia, Bane, Xerø 21 and 6 others like this.
  2. Hybrid

    Hybrid Has Gone Rogue. LPA Team

    Feb 4, 2011
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    You're not the only one in that boat, buddy. ;)
    AkirraKrylon likes this.
  3. Wasabi GOD

    Wasabi GOD Praise Brad Delson, our Lord and Savior. LPA Addict

    Apr 29, 2014
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    I agree 100% with this.
    Bane, AkirraKrylon and Star Scream like this.
  4. zayl

    zayl Friendly neighbor revenge seeking vigilante

    Sep 6, 2010
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    I feel like we are simply mocked with (if not lied to) by guys. I can't treat this album with 100% devotion if they can't be honest with intention, they're missing the truth if it comes to lyrics on the record. The whole promotion seems to be commercialised more than usual, i just can't get it.

    I'll surely listen to the album, give it a chance and hope all the best but from what I heard and I saw, my train just crashed killing all the hype onboard
  5. Star Scream

    Star Scream Does A Machine Like You Ever Experience Fear

    Oct 18, 2011
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    maaan i'm just so curious of how their live setlist is going to be like. simply looking at this album and the audience that goes to LP concerts its not going to work. casual LP fans will be booing while "heavy" is played live. not hating just being a savage :p LP is the type of band no matter what album they made, got me out of bed and powered me through the day. so far this album has put me to sleep not because the songs are soft but because imo melodically its unappealing and bland plus the thing they said they worked the most was the melody and lyrics (both so far are just uninspiring). The fanbase is definitely divided. i think fans are fine with everything LP do but not mainstream/pop which is what LP did.
  6. Luke

    Luke Mind Your Manners. LPA Addicted VIP

    Jun 23, 2004
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    I can honestly say I never expected to hear the term "mandem" on a Linkin Park track. :lol:
    RiderSSPU likes this.
  7. Alexrednex

    Alexrednex Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2010
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    I don't know why I feel so bummed out about these lyrics/what we know about the song, since I know that the song is going to be different from all the other songs on the album.
    I guess I just wished that the 10 songs we got at least stylistically and musically would fit together - after all they did take their sweet ass time making the album.
    Even if the "focus on lyrics and personal stuff" didn't end up showing up too much, I would still genuinely believe that that was what they were going for.
    This track doesn't feel like it follows that approach, it doesn't fit the ethos or theme of "One More Light" and neither do I feel like I can consider it personal or well throughout.
    It feels like a throwaway song, a one off track that reminds me Recharged which is without a doubt the most disappointing thing the band has ever made IMO.

    Even though I didn't end up loving THP as much as did when it released, I still have a shit ton of respect for the band for making the record that they wanted to make - and besides a few tracks, I believe the promotion and hype was justified.
    The album for the most parts did what it set out to do.
    I am really curious to see how everything will line up this time around.
  8. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    "Expect the unexpected" - MS
    brady likes this.
  9. Halfway Dwight

    Halfway Dwight We are the fortunate ones.

    May 31, 2014
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    Well, I've actually liked both Heavy and Battle Symphony's lyrics :lol:.

    This year has been difficult for me and I've been depressed because of some problems with myself and my family. However, these songs have really helped me. I relate to them a lot and I find them to be really personal, at least for me.

    I know that everyone won't like them and that's fine, but it's just that I hate that people call this generic or uninspired when some people, including me, can relate to them or be really personal.

    I know this is not related to the topic but I just had to get it off my chest.
    brady, Sasuke and Hybrid like this.
  10. eunyoungg

    eunyoungg Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2017
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    Actually I don't think they're lying in all these statements over the years. I guess they really see the stuff they talk about since they're the ones making it and seeing it "from the inside" (no pun intended). So for them, they know what made they do this or that, what they were thinking when they chose this line or that sound, etc. But for us, it isn't that clear because we can't really know what they were thinking and have only those interviews.

    A silly example: I think I'm a sensitive person and that I feel things way more than I would like too, but I always hear from people around me that I'm cold. I see myself from the inside so I know I have feelings, but clearly I'm not very good at showing it to others so they this impression that I'm cold.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2017
    Austin Vicenty, brady, Iopia and 3 others like this.
  11. Non-Pattern

    Non-Pattern You’re about as sharp as a bowling ball

    Feb 17, 2017
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    We can never know for sure what their genuine intentions are when they made the songs, only judge based on what they have publicly given us. So I wouldn't necessarily say they are mocking us or doing anything that is disrespectful(so far).

    With that being said, I think we can agree to hope for the best does come out for this upcoming album. And if it doesn't for some, well we'll just wait for the next one....and not to pay attention to any more interviews of them for album promotions. :p
  12. Hans Muster

    Hans Muster Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    As for honesty, I always have a hard time believing that there are no intentions at all when they craft songs. They certainly do realize what's radio-friendly and what's not, you gotta use some formulas to make it that way. So when they say, it automatically became what it is and they didn't consciously make pop songs, I feel, there is some dishonesty.

    While I'm sure the band members are decent people, you don't become (and stay) one of the biggest bands in the world without compromising and putting at least a few formulaic songs on every album.
  13. AkirraKrylon

    AkirraKrylon LPA VIP LPA VIP

    Jul 8, 2010
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    I think there is some truth to what you're saying here, but there is something to be said for the counter argument. Melodies and chord progressions are generally genre-blind, and that is a huge part of the writing process up front in most cases. LP even said that this time melodies and chord progressions are what they did first instead of doing sounds first like they normally do. You can come up with them without having specific sounds in mind, and depending on the specific sound/delivery you add to it, it can become either pop or metal or even funk.

    But yea, I think they made a conscious decision at some point to go pop for this record and just ran with it.
    minuteforce and Petar like this.
  14. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    Mike's rapping in Linkin Park always could have been better.

    However, I truly believe that The Rising Tied is one of the best rap albums of all time. Mike can be a great rapper, his downfall is usually just lyrics.
  15. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    But it still says Hoes so I can't play it for my parents.

    And that's not sarcasm at all.
  16. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    You could always say they were talking about Santa's "ho's".
    brady and Petar like this.
  17. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    So I just read the entire thread.

    Here are my thoughts that I have been saying since Heavy: It does not matter who releases the song. It should not matter who releases the song. If the song is good, it's good regardless of who released it. If Justin Bieber made 'Rebellion' it wouldn't matter that it came from Justin Bieber if it sounded good. If Linkin Park made 'Sorry' it wouldn't matter that it came from Linkin Park of it sounds good. While I haven't heard much from Stormzy and I'm not particularly excited about his feature, I still think the song will be good. Judging the lyrics is fine, but let's wait until the song it out to judge the whole thing.

    As someone who listens to lots and lots of rap (If we exclud Sub-Genres, Rap is my second ravofirtie genre after Rock. 3rd favorite after 'Rock' and 'Pop Punk'), I understand but also don't understand the hate for the word Hoe in a Linkin Park song. I think Asta has a valid point but I also think it shouldn't matter as much because it's not Linkin Park saying it. I realize that while they may have put their approval stamp on the verse, they aren't going to tell Stormzy to change his verse. That's not how rap works to my knowledge. It's why Eminem's lyrics on features sound out of place in 2017 because they aren't going to change Eminem to change his verse. They asked Stormzy for a feature and he gave him one. That's all their is to the story. I understand if Linkin Park told them not to cuss on the track because that's the vibe I get but I doubt they put any other boundaries on their verses. So while it's on a Linkin Park song, it's Stormzy's lyrics and what Stormzy feels.
    This is why I believe people shouldn't be freaking out about the word 'Hoe' on a Linkin Park song.

    Another issue I see is what's worse, 'Hoe' or 'fack'. I'm guessing everyone on here is okay with Minutes to Midnight being explicit or they wouldn't be here. By all accounts of the music rating company (forgot their name), it's a clean song. Now one can argue that 'fack' is more clean or a better word than 'hoe' but I just don't see the issue.

    If the word 'Hoe' deters you from the song, I suggest you take a look at why you are here, on Linkin Park Association, when other songs the band have release should have already deterred you away in the past.
  18. BTorio

    BTorio Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Also, Pusha T already said Hoe on the I'll be gone remix (if that hasn't been mentioned already).
  19. Meteorain

    Meteorain Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2017
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    Just like Heavy might be the most relatable song Linkin Park has ever come up with, as it's very clearly about that struggle of trying to carry all the grocery bags in one trip to avoid having to come back to the car for another trip or two.

    Holding on (to the bags, because you gotta make it to the front door, you can't give up)
    Why is everything so heavy? (Who HASN'T asked this when they carry so many at a time? Forgetting they put all the cans in one bag, like a dumbass)
    Holding on
    To so much more than I can carry
    I keep dragging around what's bringing me down (I mean, right??)
    If I just let go I'd be set free (Don't pretend you haven't wanted to just drop the bags and run inside your house and be done with it)

    I don't think there's a single person here who can't relate to this, or who hasn't tried this and thought to themselves, "I don't like my mind right now, stacking up problems that are so unnecessary"

    We all want to let go of those bags... but there's comfort in the panic.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2017
  20. Deliveranze

    Deliveranze Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2016
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    Agree totally with @Blake here. In rap, ya don't censor a verse or ask people to change it. It's Stormzy's life and, whether agree with it or not, it's part of his verse. If it were overtly obvious sexist line, then I can see the issue but Eminem literally had a line about ass rape on his last feature and no one gives a shit.

    That being said, Pusha and Mike both have solid verses and it seems like everyone is having fun applying their own lives to the track. As I told minuteforce, there's a nice consistency to the lyrics. Not like Mike and Pusha have some short 4 bar verses and Stormzy is taking a good 24 bars of lyrical miracle shit. Everybody seems to be on the same page on this song.

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