Linkin Park - One More Light | Release Day Thread

Discussion in 'News' started by Ree, May 18, 2017.

  1. Non-Pattern

    Non-Pattern You’re about as sharp as a bowling ball

    Feb 17, 2017
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    I don't see the the religious undertones as you do but the point is there. This song to me is one of the best in the album, and also the most visually-metaphorical song since 'Castle of Glass'.
  2. Virgocore

    Virgocore Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2017
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    I honestly enjoy this album more than The Hunting Party, and I'm really not a fan of this album, so that's saying something. I found much of The Hunting Party to be extremely boring to listen to, but that wasn't the only reason. I used the word ''forced'' a lot in my review of One More Light, but the songs on The Hunting Party truly did seem forced. I don't think the entire band was really on board with it ultimately, because Mike said that he basically had to force Brad to start playing guitar in the style of this album again for the writing process. But that could not be true, what do I know, I'm not the band. Maybe they really loved making The Hunting Party. I'm really not a big fan of metal or hard rock done in the style of it. I like tracks like Given Up off of Minutes To Midnight but that sounded different to me than The Hunting Party. I also thought a lot of the tracks were cringey such as Keys To The Kingdom, All For Nothing, War, Wastelands and Until It's Gone. The second half of The Hunting Party was ok I guess but it still didn't appeal to me.

    However, ultimately, all my opinions aside, I'm not going to say these are ''bad'' albums, because many people enjoy them. It's just not for me and that's fine. I don't have to like everything the band does, and I can talk about my thoughts without being a douche like a lot of people here.
    eunyoungg likes this.
  3. eunyoungg

    eunyoungg Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2017
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    "Forced" is a good word to describe THP for me. I just couldn't feel it and I was excited when they released GATS. There were a bunch of people in here who actually described why they didn't enjoy OML in a nice way, but there was also some people saying stuff like "I'm gonna take some time from the band after this shitty album!!!". Anyways, anyone is entitled to their own opinion, but there are better ways of displaying it.
    Halfway Dwight likes this.
  4. Virgocore

    Virgocore Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2017
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    Couldn't agree more, that's why I wanted to explain why I didn't like certain tracks, etc. without coming across the way some other people did. I actually liked Guilty All The Same, too, it's the only song off of the album that I enjoyed besides A Line In The Sand, which I consider to be the best song off of the album. Rakim is a legendary rapper and it's really cool that Linkin Park got him to collaborate, it's actually a big deal. And I also like the lyrics for Guilty All The Same surprisingly, and I usually am not a fan of Linkin Park's lyrics. Haha. The sound was also cool and it sounded a bit different than the rest of the album to me, it was pretty technical, maybe that's what I enjoyed.
  5. drackslayer

    drackslayer Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2012
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    And Collision Course, And ATS, and Living Things, And probally the next project too xD
  6. Mufasa

    Mufasa Member

    Feb 16, 2017
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    Idk if anyone noticed but the end of Invisible had the same shaker sound as the "Beat Making Demo" that Mike did on Linkin Log #5. Just thought it was a cool thing to spot :)

    Its around 1:48
  7. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    I just want to make a couple comments about the album. I've been listening on repeat ever since I got the album and this album keeps getting better and better with each listen even though I loved the album upon first listen. A couple things that stick out to me:

    - While I like Heavy, I feel it affects the overall quality of the album. The rest of the album has so much going on with it, it makes me wonder why Heavy made the cut. I'd like to think there was a demo or song that got left out that was miles better than Heavy.
    - All the songs are good. This is the first Linkin Park album that I have enjoyed every song since Minutes to Midnight (and I used to not like TLTGYA but now I do).
    - Sorry For Now and One More Light are already in my top 10 Linkin Park songs of all time. I'm 100% sure they will stand the test of time and stay there as well.
    - After I listened to the performance of One More Light from Kimmel, I cried. Then I cried again reading Bane's post. Then I got teary eyed reading some of the others posts. Today while driving home from an interview, I cried listening to One More Light. One More Light is the song I needed in 2012. As mentioned in the Kimmel thread, my best friend died in 2012. I really wish this song was on Living Things. I really wish the song One More Light came out in 2012. Every time I listen to the song it makes me think about the past and I know if this song came out in 2012 it could have become my favorite song of all time. It would have helped through all the pain and hurt. It would have been a song I listened to every day, multiple times a day. This album One More Light really stepped it up in the lyrics department and I think the song One More Light is the lyrically the best song they have ever made. Nobody Can Save Me, Sorry For Now, and Sharp Edges also come close in that department. When it comes to the song One More Light, it amazes me how Linkin Park can right lyrics that are still relevant in my life today even though it is something I needed to hear 5 years ago. It's still relevant. It still hurts. You never truly get over death, you just try to forget about it and push it to the side. Sometimes that is helpful but sometimes it is not the right thing to do. This song really brings a whole new meaning to how I look at the accident that happened from 2012. The lyrics are so good that I have never had more fun singing along to a Linkin Park song.
    - The end of that last point brings me to my last point. I have never, ever had this much fun singing along to a Linkin Park album before.I do not ever remember me screaming the lyrics this loudly to a Linkin Park album before. This is Linkin Park's most singable album.

    This. THP got boring fast. This album is so much better than that album and I'm so so so glad Linkin Park chose to create this record.

    Also, just had a horror story. For some reason when Good Goodbye finished, Spotify skipped to Keys to the Kingdom and I actually had to listen to the intro of that awful song :cry::sick::cry:
    Deliveranze likes this.
  8. MattLP

    MattLP No control No surprise

    Sep 11, 2012
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    There are some songs I didn't like on thp such as war, until it's gone, mark the graves. But overall I really like it but the funny thing is I find myself listening to HT and Meteora more than I do THP. I'm not a fan of change some. Ppl like change some ppl do. I listen to what I can relate to, everyone is different. I don't get the drama neither but the fan base is divided more than ever and I don't wanna use the word war lol but it seems. Like there's a war between the fan base. I mean someome said to me I should go die and burn in hell cause I don't like OML I mean come on.
  9. Kevin

    Kevin A Pattern To Be Followed. LPA Administrator

    Apr 6, 2012
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    Mike liked this post

    Bane, Abel, SkullDevil217 and 3 others like this.
  10. Non-Pattern

    Non-Pattern You’re about as sharp as a bowling ball

    Feb 17, 2017
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    Sorry you had to experience that. If you aren't disrespectful or rude towards others, I don't see why fans have to treat the haters badly. While I'm pleasantly surprised the album was better than I expected, I can understand some of the criticisms(the genre change isn't a valid criticism to me) made by fans who are more critical.
  11. eunyoungg

    eunyoungg Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2017
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    Keys to the Kingdom is one of these songs you pretend that never existed. Seriously, this song is AWFUL. Also I absolutely hate Until It's Gone.

    I got that feeling of screaming the songs, I felt it since the release of Battle Symphony :lol:
    RiderSSPU likes this.
  12. The Joesen One

    The Joesen One Fun-employed LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    It's not really pure BS per se. Most of the reviewers - a large chunk of them negative - note similar criticisms here, with a consensus being either 1) they were really good in nu metal days and they lost their edge in the new album, and 2) they're ok with the band evolving, but the album isn't their type. They've reviewed a lot of pop albums and OML probably pales in comparison. A lot of them, by the way, don't follow the band that much and hence don't notice much about the honest lyrics and the slow evolution to this sound, which is why I feel OML is not an album for those who follow the band in interviews, notes, lyric stories, etc.

    Bro, although I disagree with some of your opinions, I hope the hate doesn't get to you. I just want you to know that despite not having the same opinions as other people, you're still welcome here. I hope the hate stuff that you receive here doesn't push you away from this forum. That's the last thing we want to do. If it helps, you're a lot more civil and you definitely don't shit-talk like other obnoxious people in this forum. :lol:
  13. Flozuki

    Flozuki LPA VIP LPA VIP

    Jun 1, 2010
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    Congratulations for the success in the worldwide ITunes album charts :)

    Last edited: May 20, 2017
  14. Astat

    Astat LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    May 3, 2004
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    Nobody Can Save Me - 7.5/10
    This and Talking to Myself are probably the two most conventionally "Linkin Park-sounding" songs on the record. In terms of energy, I think Talking to Myself would be a better album opener than this, but this would probably be my second choice. This one gets lots of comparisons to Battle Symphony and while I think there are some definite similarities in structure, this song's got more interesting stuff going on with the instrumentation. I think a more well-developed bridge would have helped this song tremendously, although I do like how the bridge re-appears vocally at the end of the song to serve as an outro.

    Good Goodbye - 3/10
    Still can't get past the cringeworthy "hoes" line in Stormzy's verse and just how bad the two guest rap verses are in general. If they swapped Stormzy out with Mike's original last verse that he does on the live version, I'd at least bump this up a couple points, but there's still not a whole lot to like about this either way. The chorus is the worst on the album, the instrumentation isn't really that exciting...easily one of my least favorite Linkin Park tracks. At least the music video is fucking hilarious.

    Talking to Myself - 8/10
    That lead guitar line is catchy as hell! Really like the echoed/effected vocal lines in the verses, the acoustic guitar showing up in the bridge and outro is a nice touch, and Chester sounds really good on this one. My only gripe about this song is that the live version brings so much more energy to the table, the studio version just seems to drag a little. Not nearly as drastic of a live vs. studio difference as say, Lost in the Echo or Bleed it Out, but still noteworthy.

    Battle Symphony - 7/10
    Basically take everything I said about Nobody Can Save Me and apply it to a slightly more generic-sounding song, and that's about what I have to say about Battle Symphony. There are a TON of guitar tracks buried in the mix on this one, I wish they were brought out more...geting some flashbacks to the horrible mixing on Living Things with this song, and that's never a good thing. Still, good melody throughout this one, and an overall really pleasant-sounding musical soundscape.

    Invisible - 8/10
    I guess I'm in the minority in that I like this more than Sorry for Now. I like how it's an uplifting song in a major key that still manages to have some really dark-sounding musical elements to it. The guitar part that comes in during the last chorus is just perfect. Brad doesn't play a lot of complicated stuff but he's always been incredibly good at knowing what to play and when. The little music box-like outro is really cool too, wish they included that in the live version.

    Heavy - 4/10
    I still feel pretty much the same about this song as I did when it came out. I don't like Chester's singing on this, to the point that it's almost a relief when Kiiara's verse comes in. This would have worked way better as a song on her album that Mike produced or something. The vocal production on this track is absolutely stellar (check out the acapella), but it's still just a generic, poorly-written song with very little substance to it.

    Sorry for Now - 7.5/10
    While I like Invisible better, I will say that this song has the better vocal performance from Mike. In fact, I think it's the best all-around vocal performance of his career. Chester's bridge on this kind of comes across as a second-rate imitation of Mike's bridge on Waiting for the End, it seems kind of forced, like they just HAD to have Chester on this song for whatever reason. Also, the mixing on this song takes a HUGE downturn during the last chorus - where do the vocals go? The volume of the vocals drops drastically as soon as all of the other instruments come in. It literally sounds like somebody accidentally bumped the master fader with all the vocals on it while they were doing the mixdown. HUGE head-scratcher. Anyway I generally like the song, I think the idea of all of the jumbled-up synth and guitar samples being stitched together into a new musical idea that happens a couple times in this song was a cool idea, it just wasn't as well-executed as it could have been.

    Halfway Right - 6/10
    Most filler-sounding track on the album for sure. There are times when "na-na's" and "whoa-oh's" work (see: Roads Untraveled, When They Come for Me), but they just don't work here, probably because it's the only song on the album that has them, which almost makes it seem like they never finished the song. I WANT to like this song because it has some of my favorite instrumental stuff on the album in it (those tubular bell samples in the last chorus are AMAZING), but I just have an overwhelming sense of indifference every time I listen to this one, and it hasn't grown on me.

    One More Light - 10/10
    Unquestionably the best ballad of Linkin Park's career. It's the most emotionally-affecting song in their discography for me, having lost my dad to cancer not too long ago. The minimal instrumentation works perfectly on this one, and some of those fingerpicked chord voicings Brad uses are just brilliant - I literally thought there were two guitar parts at first! The only thing I would change is to bring out Chester's high "I do" during the guitar solo a little more, it's a really nice moment that gets kind of buried in the mix. But otherwise, this is absolutely the highlight of the album and easily a top 5 Linkin Park song for me.

    Sharp Edges - 5/10
    LP doing an imitation of old Mumford and Sons after Mumford and Sons already abandoned their old sound on their most recent album, particularly as an album-closing track, just doesn't work. I feel like the instrumentation doesn't fit with the lyrical content at all on this one either. If you're going with an acoustic track as an album closer, don't make it an upbeat "stomp-clap" tune when the song right before it is the most heart-wrenching ballad you've ever written. If the lyrics weren't so personal I'd almost think this track is supposed to be some weird form of comic relief. Keep this instrumental track and put some more lighthearted lyrics to it and you'd have something decent, but as it is this is a song that doesn't make sense at all, in terms of both composition and album sequencing. Not a good way to end things.

    Overall album score - 66/100
    I'd have to dig up my reviews of other albums to double-check, but I'm pretty sure this is the lowest combined score I've given a Linkin Park record. It's not irredeemably bad, there are a few highlights and the couple REALLY sub-par tracks on it bring the score down considerably. However, there's a lot of mediocrity here too, a lot of "almost good" and "I like this, but..." kind of tracks. I think between trying to reinvent their songwriting process for seemingly the hundredth time, bringing in SO MANY outside collaborators, and generally trying to write songs in styles they're unfamiliar with, they may have tried to do too many things differently at once. I think this album mirrors Minutes to Midnight in that regard, there was SO much going on in writing both albums that was different than what the band was used to that it was hard to imagine the end result being anything BUT inconsistent (although I do think Minutes to Midnight ended up being a better record than this, for what it's worth). On a positive note, I think the general "Linkin Park does a pop album" thing went over more smoothly with me than I expected it would. I don't know what it is about this band, but they have a knack for doing things that on paper seem like they'd never sound like Linkin Park, but once I listen to them, I just go "Oh...yeah, this actually does still sound like Linkin Park." Whether the songs are good, bad, or somewhere in between, they've ultimately made another album that still manages to make sense as a Linkin Park album, and I think that's probably the most important thing.
    Shadester likes this.
  15. minuteforce

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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  16. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    Harry Styles' album just 240k first week.

    Over/Under that for One More Light?
  17. MarkLP12

    MarkLP12 Member

    Feb 3, 2017
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    Serious, but silly question. Do we know what the chipmunks are muttering at the beginning of Nobody Can Save Me? Any chance there's a hidden message in there or is it literally just random sounds?
  18. BTorio

    BTorio Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    I feel like I can make out the word demons, but that's it
  19. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    I hear "Here's my Demons" as the first line but can't make out what comes after that.
  20. minuteforce

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    "shove nu-metal up your ass" :kappa:
    deftonesfan867 and Christøffer like this.

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