Linkin Park - One More Light | Release Day Thread

Discussion in 'News' started by Ree, May 18, 2017.

  1. Derek

    Derek Administrator LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    It's a simple concept but one people can't seem to grasp. There's such a sense of entitlement with music fans (not just LP) and it's incredibly frustrating. People apparently don't grasp the maturity to just move on.
    minuteforce and Michele like this.
  2. Doridorica

    Doridorica Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2017
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    I understand why Chester did it, a constant bashing and the personal side of the album, but it sounded too harsh especially now when the fans are going crazy. He doesn't owe us anything and he should be hurt but he's also a public figure and for that sole reason sometimes he should think before speaking. I don't want to sound too mean because those words on fb and youtube could make anyone'd blood boil. It's just he could've chosen his words a bit wiser.
  3. Non-Pattern

    Non-Pattern You’re about as sharp as a bowling ball

    Feb 17, 2017
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    The truth. I guess seeing Chester lashing out twice in a very bad way just seems more apparent and new than seeing comments from haters, adding a lot of attention/controversy.

    Just to play devil's advocate for a while, if the band did knew that releasing this album is going to attract so much controversy(esp hate), even more so than ATS, I think they should have seen it coming. Esp for Mike and Chester. If you are gonna lash out at every and any criticism, regardless how stupid and retarded it is, you aren't doing any favours for yourself and the album. I also think Chester has been spending too much time online for him to say the same type of comments twice. At least Mike tries to be calm and smart when fending off criticism(also having to do a bit of damage control from those incidents).

    But that's just my 2 cents. My opinion of Chester isn't going to change even after that incident, and the haters are just being more vocally annoying as usual.
  4. brady

    brady I am the LPA LPA Super Member

    Oct 12, 2012
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    Wouldn't exactly call the people he's referencing "fans." More like no-life assholes who take time out of their day to verbally attack the band. I mean, it took them 18 months to make the album, and for much of that time and some of these performances, especially on One More Light, they put their hearts into the music. And then all these people, even music critics, just dismissing their music as mainstream appealing crap and calling them sellouts just because they don't like this nu-metal/rock band (yeah, because that's the only genre they've ever made music in) making a full-swing pop album. I'd be pissed off too.

    Is it right that he's making these comments? No not really. But do I understand it? Hell yeah I do. The way I view Chester has in no way been negatively affected at all by these comments.
  5. Knt.Slbs

    Knt.Slbs Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2011
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    I remember 10 years ago when MTM came out and I was so disappointed listening to What I've Done back then. I was so mad how they changed their style so drastically from Meteora. I played the album in full and I was so upset.. I didn't care when "We Made It" was released but by 2009 when they released 'New Divide', I was back on board again for LP waiting for a new album and expecting the 'New Divide' direction they're heading to...but it's not. We got ATS... I was underwhelmed at first due to how mellow majority of the tracks on the album...then it ended my favorite record to date. Then LT came out, I was intrigued of the folk-y sound they're describing the record but all we've got was wall of noise and crap production... 2 years later, we got THP, I was thrilled and excited when GATS was released out of nowhere. BAM! That was so comes the album, "WHAT? the mixing was so terrible. jeez.. I can't believed Andy Wallace mixed that album. :facepalm:

    So now, we've got OML and I really appreciate this album more because of it's production and overall style of the record, though it's Pop but still the LINKIN PARK vibe is still there. Kudos!
  6. minuteforce

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    A lot of Chester's singing throughout this album reminds me less of LP's previous works and more of his singing on live covers, like his and Shinoda's rendition of "Rolling In The Deep" from 2011, and the ones he does for the cover bands he sometimes fronts.
    wattmatters likes this.
  7. wattmatters

    wattmatters Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2017
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    Thats what Mike said in the very first interview that we will actually hear Chester's singing more this time.
  8. Derek

    Derek Administrator LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    THIS. This is a big reason why I enjoy OML so much. My biggest complaint with LP studio albums over the last few years is that I didn't feel like they explored Chester's vocal range enough. I'd hear these covers and wonder why Chester couldn't sing like that on an LP record. With this album they're finally doing that. I hope it's the start of a trend :).
    wattmatters likes this.
  9. Forfeit to Break

    Forfeit to Break Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2014
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    They are not fans. They are faceless lowlife scum, who don't deserve to have anything to do with the band. Chester is worth 1million times what they are as human beings, they deserve whatever he says about them.
    wattmatters likes this.
  10. wattmatters

    wattmatters Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2017
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    So true. Chester's vocal variation on the tracks is amazing !!

    Still some people will say shit that makes me laugh so hard coz of the foolish reasons they are creating to hate the band's new sound
    Screen Shot 2017-05-23 at 9.51.04 PM.png

    So basically if some band makes a country song means it is sold out ! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

    And this.....
    Screen Shot 2017-05-23 at 9.45.16 PM.png
    Finding the real LP !!!! :shinado: .....INVISIBLE
    (Low-pitched voice) :hahn:
    Last edited: May 23, 2017
    Paree likes this.
  11. Doridorica

    Doridorica Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2017
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    Omg, this is hilarious! Are these people normally stupid or just when it comes to this? These aren't fans at all and good riddance.
    wattmatters likes this.
  12. Xero-G

    Xero-G Reborn LP Fan, and plan to stay that way.

    Dec 21, 2013
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    After giving OML a third full chance/playthrough, my initial impressions and opinions about the album as a whole still remain largely the same: it is just really uninteresting and boring to listen to, with the exception of a few songs. The songs that would be the exception are Talking To Myself, Good Goodbye, and One More Light (maybe to a lesser extent than the other two, but still a standout moment nonetheless).

    I find this fairly surprising, as LP songs tend to either click with me right away, or gradually grow on me within a reasonable amount of time. The same cannot be definitively said for a good chunk of OML. Even after three full listens of the new songs, almost none of them grew on me at all, and I find this incredibly disappointing. Out of the pre-release singles, only Good Goodbye actually grew on me to the point where I can now say I genuinely enjoy the song. Heavy or Battle Symphony did not have this impact/effect on me, and I deliberately chose not to listen to Invisible until the album released.

    I do hope that a good while from now, OML will grow on me as a whole, not just certain songs. If this doesn't happen, then that's truly a shame, seeing how much passion LP put into the album, thematically and lyrically speaking. Maybe, just maybe, Nobody Can Save Me will become a grower, but as for the other songs, I just don't see that happening anytime soon.

    My overall opinion about OML: it's not a very strong album cohesively, with several forgettable choruses and melodies. A distinct lack of LP energy brings the album down even more for me, especially since I find myself closing my eyes and starting to feel drowsy each time I've listened to it (really, I'm not joking, sadly). The instrumentation probably disappointed me the most, or just as much as the unmemorable choruses and melodies. Keep in mind that I listened to OML with two high quality sets of headphones, to really take in all of the sounds and background effects that LP are no doubt masters of implementing. I still found the songs lacking in instrumentation, namely with the same-sounding drum patterns and the sometimes barely-present guitar riffs and chords. The solos were nice, but too short to really leave a strong impression. In conclusion, this is far and away my least favorite studio album LP has put out, not counting Recharged.
    Chris loves LP and Michele like this.
  13. Paree

    Paree I love my scars!

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Even if LP Makes DnB/Breakbeat, People would complain of LP selling out. Its nothing new. Even in the youtube uploads of THP people complain about the sound not being Linkin Park.
    PS: I'd love it if LP Made Pendulum ish DnB Rock Fusion.
  14. Derek

    Derek Administrator LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    That makes two of us.
    Christøffer likes this.
  15. ashish

    ashish Active Member

    Jul 8, 2015
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    So the only solution to avoid backlash is to make same album again and again.:rofl:
  16. Derek

    Derek Administrator LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Worst thing is...that even if they made a new CD/EP where it's an exact clone of Hybrid Theory and a complete return to their roots...there would still be idiots saying it sounds nothing like the 'old Linkin Park' :lol:
    ashish likes this.
  17. Kevin

    Kevin A Pattern To Be Followed. LPA Administrator

    Apr 6, 2012
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    Considering that people think that this

    is the "old Linkin Park" ... calling them idiots is insanely accurate
    also, that video ... :sick::puke::wallbash::shudder::redcard::censored::pcwhack:
  18. Virgocore

    Virgocore Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2017
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    It sounds literally nothing like the actual song. This is bad. It doesn't even remind me of nu-metal, actually, except for maybe the guitar part.
  19. lilj4425

    lilj4425 Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2010
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    While this is an awesome album, I still would have liked to seen one heavy song on it. Something similar to Given Up would have been badass.
  20. joshtrum

    joshtrum Active Member

    Jun 11, 2014
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    Music moves in ebbs and flows. There are songs that capture the moment in time encapsulating nostalgia and that specific time snapshot. In the case of HT, it captured that late 90s-00s sound perfectly, making it seem timeless. Led Zep is on the radio still for this reason, the Beatles are still on the radio for this reason(although both acts were filled with incredibly gifted musicians/songwriters). My point is, it is more impossible for LP to release HT2.0 than to please fans with a new sound. The closest two things were LT and THP. I was looking for a MTM-THP hybrid for this album; and was dissappointed I didn't get it, but this album grew on me, to the point where it's been on non-stop repeat. We will not get a OML 2.0 because 2-3 years from now, music will be different again. Need I say more?
    brady likes this.

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