Linkin Park Nominated for VH1 Do Something Awards 2011

Discussion in 'News' started by Joeverflow, Jul 11, 2011.

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  1. #21

    Hybrid Has Gone Rogue. LPA Team

    Feb 4, 2011
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    I think for their help for Japan with D2D as well as the MFR Tee, they deserve it. I'm not being insensitive to the other artist's causes, because they are all important, I just feel like LP has stepped up MFR's game this year in particular with Japan. Because of the shirts, it was the first time I saw Linkin Park mentioned on my local news. It was awesome specifically because it was for a good cause.
  2. #22

    Storm Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    Woah Minus, calm down please. I didn't think I wrote it in a way to let someone react like that.

    Some kind of opinions can't be laid down in 5 lines, and I don't have 10 hours time to write all my thinkings and the reasons for it down on here, so I resumed in few lines my way of seeing the things, but that can get misunderstood.
    First of all: I'm not a fanboy nor anything like that, in fact in 10 years I never listened so rarely LP as in the last 3 years (not because of liking/not their albums, but simply because I added new likes).
    Second: I don't banish ANY artist in the world, only the hypocrite ones, which I likely tend to ignore tho, unless they get presented in my face.
    Third: Do you have proves Bieber did all of those things, or do you only "trust" in what you hear from others?
    Fourth: Yes, I gave a controversial opinion in one post, but if you read it, you might have read also "I WONDER about Bieber", and in the dictionary wondering should mean also asking myself (I'm not english, so I'm not sure tho); in MY OPINION he doesn't have full control over his decision, but I'm open to assist to the truth, as soon someone presents it to me (you didn't do it, you only said words as anybody else).
    Fifth: EVERYBODY always ever wondered if I am 20 years older than I really am, for the way I think and speak, and even tho with 16 I didn't know much about the world, and still I surely don't. Also, maybe you have just a bad day, but I'm not used to read sentences like " Just because YOU didn't understand the world at 16 doesn't mean Justin Bieber is as ignorant as you were, from you. I assure you I passed and still am passing things you cannot even imagine happening in a life that made me understand the worst part of the world quite soon and early. Maybe because of that I grew sceptish about many things lately.
    There are people donating for children, and in private they become pedophiles, so why the fuck should I believe a 16y.o. is doing all he is doing with his own mind, until someone PROVES me the contrary? Is not like I have to banish artists, is just learning to see the world from a safer prospective. Then, if all is good in the end, I can only applaude and say Mea Culpa.

    And please avoid the be vulgar on me, I'm not 16 nor a child nor immature, my message wasn't offensive (sorry if that is the impression) and I surely would never offend people like you, 'cause you're one of them I respect the most on here (doens't implicate you have to do the same with me, I know).

    Take care.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2011
  3. #23

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    All the grammar errors aside (and by jove, there were a LOT of mistakes there), you still haven't justified why you think Justin Bieber doesn't deserve to be nominated for all he's done. You just labeled Bieber a hypocrite. Explain why. Don't just call him a hypocrite. Did he say he doesn't like children right before he raised money for their hospital? Do tell.

    You don't think Justin Bieber is honest in raising money. You think the label is involved. Do you seriously think in this day and age that a label would WILLINGLY give away the money Justin Bieber is making their company? For a bunch of kids that don't buy records?

    And the fact that you WONDER doesn't mean a thing. You wondered whether he deserves to be in the category, laid out your reasons for doing so, then said, "I'm not saying he doesn't deserve..."

    This is equivalent to me saying, "I wonder if Barack Obama deserves to be President. I'm not saying he doesn't deserve to be President..."

    In giving an argument that Justin Bieber doesn't deserve to be in the running for this altogether meaningless award, you're implying that he doesn't deserve to be there and that it's your opinion that he doesn't. You contradicted yourself, making yourself a hypocrite.

    And you ask whether or not I have proof that Justin Bieber is doing this on his own. Do you have proof that Linkin Park came up with this idea on their own? Or any of the other nominees? We only have their word that they did this on their own. And if you can take the word of Lady GaGa and Nick Jonas and Linkin Park, why not Justin Bieber?

    He's done a lot of good things with his career. Don't try to belittle it by insinuating that the label 'made' him do it.
  4. #24

    Storm Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    Who said I believe the other artists are doing the work honestly? I do admit when I saw Bieber I just thought "No", but I had a question mark by seeing all the others and LP is not different. I gave also my little part in MFR, but is not like I DO KNOW 100% goes for real where is needed, I only can hope it is like that. I just trust some people more than others, is subjective.
    And I don't know a label contract, but I think too many people gives shit about the kind of music Bieber does (I didn't listen more than 2 songs, so I won't criticize anything he does) so maybe they just thought: "Hey let's invest some money in doing this campaign, like that some haters may at least respect Bieber as a person, if not the music". Then you go to read comments on where he did good actions, and in fact, you read a lot of people "changing their minds" or being "surprised" of his actions... Again, I don't have proves, I just have opinions, and I don't see anybody 100% loyal.
    I have my bad thoughts on LP too, not about charity, but other things as for the label itself. I am curious to see if they will leave Warner after all what had happened these years and their complaints, 'cause -in my ignorance- I think for them having a label serves to sell more, so once the contract is over, normally, as a label can only interfer with your music, I think it will be for good if they change company or just stay without label, as Trent, APC and others. This was only for saying that I don't see in LP angels, I see human beings, and I don't trust humans I don't know.

    So yes, after this nice conversation I understood everybody deserves the category, 'cause everybody may be really heartfelt donators, or everybody may just as well be filthy cheaters. I just rushed on too much on Bieber since the start because of his age, sorry about that. So I guess the topic is resolved :)

    EDIT: by the way, I don't have proves about Bieber, I just see him as "constructed" also because of his lyrics and his collaborations. One of songs I heared, the one with Usher, I dunno but I feel the lyrics being so over-emphasized for his age.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2011
  5. #25
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    I should probably remind you in case you don't remember Minus, that English is not Storm's first language. Criticizing him for bad grammar when he has publicly stated in the past that he isn't 100% fluent in English is a low-blow, even for you. Now with that out of the way, I do support Justin Bieber and think he's a better person and performer than most of the population has given him credit for in the past. He does a lot of humanitarian work and writes most of his music, along with playing a lot of instruments on record. I feel that because he's "young" and plastered all over teen magazines and such, people love to hate on him and call him manufactured when really he was performing before he was signed and was found by a label exec watching YouTube. He's worked hard to get where he is, and I think people need to give him respect where it's due. You can hate his music, but to claim he doesn't deserve something solely based on your hate of him is wrong.
  6. #26
    the enigma

    the enigma The Routine Scar

    Sep 15, 2006
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    Derek and Minus are both right about the Beiber thing. Honestly, I despise his music, and yes, I despise the part of his fanbase that is so damn vocal about it, but the kid has done some good things for people he will never meet, and is really good to his fans, just like everyone else on that list.

    I did vote for LP. I voted for them because I know that MFR acts rather quickly. A lot faster than the States' own FEMA does. They get word of a disaster, and within hours are posting about it. Within a week they have a program in action. No, they might not be able to offer long term support very well, but there are other organizations that can do that. It seems that very few are out there for immediate aid.
  7. #27

    RoyHahn Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2010
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    Voted for Justin Bieber. Just kidding, voted for Linkin Park!
  8. #28

    Storm Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    Ok I can see Bieber is known for his good charity actions here, so I'm sorry for shooting on him.
    I say sorry to Minus and all the others I might have perturbed with my post and admit my own ignorance.
    Maybe I also got influenced A LOT by the book I read months ago of Paulo Coelho, where is written about celebrities and how most of them are existing just because other people wants them to.
  9. #29

    Benjamin LPA team LPA Super VIP

    Jun 18, 2010
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    This. Every fucking word of it.
  10. #30

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    I apologize, as I didn't know English wasn't his first language. I don't actually pay attention to most of the people on here unless they say something really insightful or really ig'nant.
  11. #31
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    It's aight brah. [​IMG]
  12. #32

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Thanks, Ryan.
  13. #33

    Hybrid Has Gone Rogue. LPA Team

    Feb 4, 2011
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    Haha thread win!
  14. #34

    Tim My perversion power is accumulating LPA Super Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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  15. #35
    Mr. Vahn

    Mr. Vahn *Cat Scratching On A Fence*

    Jul 12, 2011
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    What have all the other artists done "fer tha hungry folk in Murrica"? :D
  16. #36

    PaulGardinerLP Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2010
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    On the official voting page I really think VH1 could have given more details about MFR as opposed to just writing about Mike Shinoda's t-shirts and LP's song for DTD Japan. What about the skate board decks Chester designed? What about the fact that LP got other artists involved to also donate music? Plus any other money raising methods. VH1 could have also gave details of how LP/MFR has helped in other areas OR even indicate how much $ MFR has raised in total to date.

    Basically what I am trying to say is that I feel LP/MFR has not been given the credit it deserves on the voting page!
  17. #37

    ShinigamiPWN Sir? SIR?

    Sep 17, 2010
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    Pretty much what Minus said. :/
    Sad that every artist aside from LP are being bashed and the criteria of the award isn't even being considered by some members ITT.
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