That just means that they'll play more songs in addition to "Hybrid Theory" as part of their Download set, not that they'll repeat the "Hybrid Theory" playthrough
There will obviously be songs from "The Hunting Party" included in the festival setlist. At the very least, it's fairly certain that you will hear "Guilty All The Same" live if you go to the show.
Chester said it better when he said those bands aren't the problem'it's the bands trying to be those bands. Bands trying to be Mumford or Arcade Fire. Those bands have their own hunting party because there wasn't something quite like them when they came out and they largely stuck to their guns. OTHER bands are trying to emulate what made those bands big. Mike has a horrible way of explaining it but LP doesn't want to hop on trend of being Haim or CVRCHES which is what it sounds like the demos were leaning towards in terms of not being "rock".
Obviously emm... you know, that uhm... the band's called... eeeeh... Fuck it, let's just trust Mike's word on it
I think it's the folk revival movement. Avicii kind of hopped on (he even has the guy who sang "Man of Constant Sorrow" from O Brother Where Art Thou on his last single) That American Idol dude with "Home". That guy specifically was on a singer/songwriter platform of "I write my own stuff" and he didn't even write that song. A lot of smaller to mid bands just doing the acoustic folk rock thing (Lumineers, Of Monsters and Men who I both love)
Same interview different band name. I can't wait for them to say all of this with "Until It's Gone" as their lead single to promote this heavy album. People at first are gonna be like, so besides GATS, where is this heavy Refused/Black Flag sound you guys keep preaching about? thanks for typing it up by the way
Hybrid Theory will be played from beginning to end – I am very glad to hear that. Also, Mike seems more pissed than ever in this interview
Meeting before every THP cycle interview ever: Writer 1: "What can we ask about?" Writer 2: "Oh I know, how about the same fucking question about the Rock scene that literally every single other interviewer has asked them." Writer 1: "Brilliant!" Also, if these guys are so desperate to find some rock music with balls on it, maybe go a little deeper than the radio. I don't think you're actually looking for it.
Linkin Park doesn't have an obligation to say new things in every interview. When they do these interviews, they aren't doing them for people like us who literally read every interview. The majority of the people who read this Kerrang interview, for example, are people who read Kerrang, but not the other magazines/websites that have interviewed Linkin Park. The band has a message that they want to get out there, and they are just trying to get that message to as many people as they can.