Linkin Park Has "Another Faithful Day"

Discussion in 'News' started by Casual D, Apr 1, 2004.

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  1. tkd_rap

    tkd_rap Banned

    Feb 11, 2003
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    I'm glad everyone is now laughing over it. Truth is, we did this because we love you guys. Yeah it's a pretty weird way to show that love, but we thought that with how serious we are around here all the time that it was only appropriate to lighten up with a quick joke.

    Sorry if anyone was TRULY hurt by this. We love you guys. [/b][/quote]
    i just hope lp releases a song with the name of the fake one yall did!!!! that would be even cooler! :lol:
  2. LPHahnLP

    LPHahnLP Active Member

    Feb 21, 2003
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    here come the swarms of rumours ALL OVER THE ####### message boards and even the LPU. I hate you guys. but great joke, none the less. You take too long to say April Fools. Make the player load into APRIL FOOLS DAY or something, this is too deceptive and most people will just think theyre computers are slow
  3. Mcnasty

    Mcnasty Y2K

    Apr 17, 2003
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    It wasnt even April 1st when he posted this though, so it MUST BE REAL :mellow: come man tell me why it wont buffer ^_^
  4. Omar A

    Omar A Beyond Science LPA Super Member

    Jul 9, 2003
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    Same here :lol:
  5. RemyAngelHahn

    RemyAngelHahn Active Member

    Mar 15, 2004
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    Yeah, yeah, real cute. You had me all psyched and everything...

    Remy will come and torch your house down tonight, dude. :devil:

    And I have a few choice words for you... :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: and your mama too.

    XD j/k :whistle: I'm just a bit dissapointed bc I wanted some new music and I got punked. :joe: Joe and I will make sure that this'll never happen again right Joe?
  6. BroknSolace

    BroknSolace Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2003
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    haha...josh got fooled!!! i had the same problem though..i tried to load it about three or 4 times before i finally saw it..maybe im just dumb though
  7. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Yeah Alex did the player, put it on the website and helped write the prank news post so it's not like its completely my fault guys. ;)
  8. The Doctor

    The Doctor I wear a fez now. Fez's are cool. LPA Super Member

    Mar 20, 2003
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    Yeah Alex did the player, put it on the website and helped write the prank news post so it's not like its completely my fault guys. ;) [/b][/quote]
    Keyword being: completely ;)
  9. Ander

    Ander LPA VIP LPA Super VIP

    Mar 17, 2003
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    Keyword being: completely ;) [/b][/quote]
  10. Mark

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    yes, sir. whatever you command. :rolleyes:

    and LPHahnLP: It does load into "April Fool's Day" after about a minute, take a look at the player!
  11. linkin_sylph

    linkin_sylph Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2003
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    :lol: Okay... That seriously got me.. lol. That was AWESOME! Good job, LPA. But it's not quite April Fools Day. ;)
  12. OrlandoJNF

    OrlandoJNF Banned

    Jan 8, 2004
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    a flash which loads wouldnt have to buffer.
    its kinda fu--ed up that a reliable news site (the one where i go to get all my LP news. LPU sucks at updating crap) would post something illegitimate.

    and to the the arse who said "all the newbs got pissed."
    the newbs are the ones who didnt get pissed. people who have been coming here for a while now expect all the news to be legitiamate and worthy for being in my opinion the #1 Independent LP News site.
    LPA guys kinda bummed out on you. You guys already have a a lot to make up for not being official. Now that you lost the interview with Stefano and the rumor about BTH premiering a month ago (BTH Rumor ), you gusy have a lot to catch up on. Kinda dissapointed. It shouldve been somthing more incredibly ridiculous insead of something that MAY have been true. have your fun with people who arent yoru fans and ban me if i offend you. I will still check every morning and night after work about whats going on with my favorite band.
  13. Omar A

    Omar A Beyond Science LPA Super Member

    Jul 9, 2003
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    It was a ####### joke!!! calm down.

    For the interview with Stefano, it just got postponed to another time and the BTH premier wasn't LPAs fault but IMX who announced that they will premier a new video for LP which we assumed its BTH since thats the video LP were making.
  14. J5LP311

    J5LP311 Member

    Nov 10, 2003
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    Whhhyyyyy....I was so excited, although the name didn't sound like an LP song. After i realized it was a joke i was hoping wellmaybe the story is true, but you guys just dont have the song. But then I realized that I'm a sucker...

    Damn you LPA, but good joke, you got us all.

  15. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    I apologize if you were THAT offended but would you have still been this offended if it was actually on the 1st of April when you expect these type of jokes to go down?

    We are already trying to find a guest to make up for the loss of Stefano (and just so you know he blew us off because when I called at 7 to do the chat I never got a response, so its not our fault). We would have had a make up chat already but all possible guests we want to get arent able to come until at least mid-April so we're going to have to wait until then to make up for Stefano pulling out. You cannot hate us for the chat because it absolutely was not our fault. We have since tried to reschedule and have gotten no reply from Stefano. I guess he just didnt want to chat after thinking it over, once again, not our fault.

    Second, Breaking The Habit will be finished this month and that my friend is not a lie as it was stated in an MTV article. BTH was supposed to be released a long time ago but the video took longer then they thought, hence Lying From You being released as a radio only single. LPA has been dead on every other time with news so why are you suddenly going to crucify us for not being 100% correct one time and pulling a joke another time? Except for those two problems, we have hardly EVER messed up on news as we go out of our way to try and provide proof for each article we post.

    Learn to take a joke. Everyone else is.
  16. BroknSolace

    BroknSolace Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2003
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    dude...if you had bothered to read any of the stuff that was said in this thread, you wouldnt be talking the way you are....just chill, we all got our opinions out, and so can you..but dont freakin take the offensive when you dont have the whole story..its a joke...we all realize it..calm down..and i dont know about the catching up thing..they are miles ahead of others
  17. Mark

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Ok, first things first. Stefano cancelled on us, it was his fault. We don't control people and their timetables. Stefano said a time, we scheduled the chat, he cancelled. Done. Not our fault. So I'm expecting you to retract that statement.

    Secondly, Linkin Park were making the video for "Breaking The Habit". That was confirmed by Mike in magazines, and Chester/Dave/Brad in chats. "Lying From You" was the strictly-radio-only single as confirmed to us. FUSE misguided the public by saying "New Linkin Park Video!", thus leading everyone to the only possible explanation, BTH. Who would've thought that LFY from "Live In Texas" was going to be played? Warner just sent that to Fuse to play and Fuse just automatically thought it was a "new" video, when in fact it was just a promo. You would never of guessed that the LFY video from LIT would've been played, no one did. So we went with the only logical explanation at the time, BTH. We were ALL surprised to see LFY played, so excuse us for trying to alert everyone that BTH may be played that day. I'm sure you would've complained if it actually was BTH and we hadn't of alerted you about the "premiere". So I'm expecting you'll retract that statement too.

    It's people like you, the super serious ones who can't take a goddamn joke, who dampen any humour ever tried on these forums. We're sorry for not being emotionless robots searching endlessly for Linkin Park news, but we have lives outside of this, and personalities. If you don't like it, and if you can't take a damn joke or mistake every once in awhile, do us all a favor and leave and rid us of the black clouds you shine over everything.
  18. OrlandoJNF

    OrlandoJNF Banned

    Jan 8, 2004
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    if i wanted to be more serious id say fk it all to hell. i wont go back to the site... its just one hell of a joke is all im saying. a big joke.
  19. BroknSolace

    BroknSolace Well-Known Member

    Oct 29, 2003
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    the big joke is that youre still not realizing that its a joke...get it through your head..i was mad at first, so was everyone, i was annoyed. But whats the point of lashing out? wow, that will surely get your point
    like i said...i love this thread..and everyone in it...good times :D
  20. Hybrid Soldier

    Hybrid Soldier Y2K

    Nov 30, 2002
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    this song is now leaked everywhere on the internet. :(
    i got it from kazaa uber lite v3.0 :wth:
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