Has anyone heard of a special edition with the new One More Light CDS? Like with bonus tracks and a DVD? I refuse to believe there are only 10 tracks for this CD...
Thats me singing a part of Battle Symphony, its the same voice, Again sorry for the inconvenience guys ! Edit:I just only provided vocals in those two, i have not uploaded any of those links !
Holy fuck shit. Are you secretely the real Chester? Edit: Damn. Checked your instagram. You basically got the closest tone to Chester's voice I have ever heard.I mean How the hell? It's seriously impressive. Do you have a youtube channel or something?
What if this is the original Chester who had his memory wiped and just thinks he has a really good voice while the clone of him currently sings for the band now, brining in elements from artists like The Chainsmokers, Coldplay, and Taylor Swift until the band ultimately fails and burns out, completing the government's goal of stopping the power house that is Linkin Park.
You are amazing! If you want to do more Linkin Park covers, I have a lot of LP remakes check them here.
Nope. Only thing there is, is the Deluxe Edition which is more of a fancier packaging. No additional song content. And yes, there are 10 songs on OML, but A Thousand Suns has 9 if you count out the interludes..
I certainly hope that we don't get any songs under 4 minutes from now on, or if we do at least a few that are 5+ because lets say all remaining 8 are 4 minutes that would make the album a little over 38 minutes long, whcih while still on the shorter side, is still longer than HT, Meteora and LT.
I actually remembered this yesterday as well, so technically we can't really lament OML has the least no. of songs haha. That being said, ATS is a concept album so the interludes are just as important, if you want the maximum listening experience.
By the way, my brother just passed by. He's sort of a casual LP fan. Hearing the "Let Down" cover, he said "Nice, Chester". Very well.
Damn, that's impressive! No wonder Chester was beating the shit out of you in the Heavy music video...