Why is it so hard for some people to understand that not everyone has the same taste and that liking something doesn't mean that they have low standards. Can't we just share our opinions without insulting the band or the ones who don't agree with you?
I may just proving your point here but it's what Linkin Park fans do. They take a normal opinion or position, such as "this song isn't my kind of thing" or "I'm not really into hip-hop", and twist it until it's disrespectful.
Liked this one more than Heavy and Battle Symphony. Is anyone hearing gang vocals in the chorus? The intro is just chester, but on the other chorus I can hear something very similar to gang vocal.
I would say this is much more Living Things 2 then MTM 2. The song is by far the most experimental of the three so far. Hook isn't their best, but it's far better than it read on paper. Shinoda's new cadence was impressive. Never thought he could pull of the Migos flow. The beat was interesting. Plus the trap influence is great. 3 verses on a LP song doesn't usually happen either. I really enjoyed it but it's still a "downer" for being the only rap track on the album.
Sounds like a deeper voice with a stereo effect on it, possibly Mike with a bunch of effects or Chester pitched down. I like it.
If I'm going to compare Good Goodbye to anything on Living Things, I would compare it to Lies Greed Misery. Not is terms of sound, but just in terms how far out there this one is. This song have me some hope for the album, that we are going to get a bit more parity than we originally thought.
I'm interested in how this song will be perform live, if they do perform it live. Most likely will be like GATS.
I finally listened to this song twice, just to let first impressions really sink in. First impressions: it's okay, maybe even decent, but still not mesmerizing like many LP songs have been for me. It's all over the place with lyrical content. The three verses are just so disjointed, that they sound like they should each be in a separate song. And that "chipmunk effect" was not needed, at all, unless it was supposed to be the "sarcastic" element of the song. So, overall, I'm underwhelmed, and very disappointed that this song didn't showcase actual lyrical prowess. You know, the "lyrics first" approach that the band has been hyping for a while. Lastly, what is with some commenters in this thread saying that LP has never written truly great lyrics? I've heard plenty of LP songs that feature powerful, gripping lyrics which actually drive the songs, giving them more substance.
Linkin Park will always suffer from the success of their first couple albums.... This album will be better than 99% of the pop albums out there based on the 5 songs we've heard a bit from so far, but people will never appreciate that because LP=HT always It's quite sad actually, people dont appreciate good music anymore
I very much doubt that. LPA will give it a pass based on who made it. But I really doubt, objectively, it will be better than average based on what's out there at the moment. Assuming this albums potential failure will be due to people not being able to comprehend a nu-metal free Park is ignoring a lot of factors. The biggest include songs like Waiting for the End and Burn It Down, as poppy and non-tradtional rock as they've been before this, being huge hits. The general listening public isn't as stupid as I think most of this board thinks and historically LP have been met with considerable success when taking on dramatic stylistic shifts. At a certain point, whatever failure they're met with can't just be dismissed as the general population not "getting it".
I know you're right, but i'm in denial lol. It's just annoying to see my favorite band's new album just have a 2.5/5 on itunes.
Well, it's been awhile since I last posted here. I've been very busy with school and other stuff... After listening to 'Heavy', 'Battle Symphony' and 'Good Goodbye', I already know of what kind of album we're going to have. I'm expecting a pop record (captain obvious, I know) but a record that maybe personally I don't think I will keep listening to it after a couple of years. I was truly expecting a very memorable album with epic songs like ATS, I know the album is not out yet, but my expectations of a memorable and epic album are fading away. By the way, I enjoy a lot these tracks, but it's very likely that I won't feel the same next year. For now, my order is: 01. Good Goodbye 02. Battle Symphony 03. Heavy (I got sick, but I'm still enjoying it)
Will this be the official second single of OML? or just like Battle Symphony as promotional single? As for the song, it's a dope track.. Sweet Christmas. But I do agree that the band needs an external producer next time. Their vision and execution of their lyrics are pretty bad. Just get Justin Medalsen for LP8.
That lyric video is pretty. Lyric videos now days seem just as good to me as music videos, actually I kind of prefer them as I can see the lyrics on screen.