I knew I would trigger a lot of peeps for not being a fan of female vocals on an LP album. But thats modern times for ya. You can like different genre's, instruments, melodies, etc, but as soon as you make a "DATS SEXIST" remark, you get bombarded. I guess every LP fan who doesn't like when mike raps is racist. i'm actually not a fan of ANY vocal guests on an LP record
I...what...? I can't even comprehend the comparison you're trying to make. Rapping isn't something that can be attributed to a particular race. You literally said "I don't want to hear female vocals on a Linkin Park record." If you can't see the difference there, I don't know what to tell you. Whether intentional or not, your statement WAS sexist.
I guess the song with kiiara if it's called Heavy will be something similar to i hate u, i love u by Gnash as far as lyrics go
I really am worried about this album. But the funny thing is that the melody of "Heavy" is stuck in my for a few days now. Addicting.
you really think that? this isn't a matter of what/who is "better". There is no judgement going on. But to say rap is not attributed to a particular race is like saying sombreros aren't attributed to mexican/hispanic culture, or cheezeburgers and hot dogs at baseball games aren't attributed to USA culture. The list goes on. Relax, dude. Nobody here is making racist or sexist comments. Chester and Mike is good enough for me for the record thats all im saying.
Nah, it's probably a teaser for the long awaited part 2 of "One step closer". Which will be titled "One More" featuring Rihanna.
In b4, "One Moral" We wanted our fans to pick through our multi-layered multidimensional lyrics and be able to leave the album having learned "one moral." Or, one moron ....
I don't really see how what he said was sexist. I like some female artists, but in general, the timbre of most womens' singing voice just doesn't do it for me either. That's all I got from what he said too... As a guy who's a feminist, please someone tell me if that suddenly makes me sexist as well. Edit: That said, I don't mind Kiiara's voice, so aside from my general low expectations for the song, her feature doesn't particularly bring it down any lower.
Exactly. I personally love female vocals, but it's not sexist at all to admit that they're just not your thing. Female vocals are tangibly different to male vocals, and some people don't like how they sound, simple as.
Why do I feel like her feature will end up being like "I'll BE GONE" with Owen Pallett and is barely noticeable?
The strings in IBG are very prominent just the mixing is crap, that's why we can barely hear them. listen very closely to the last chorus and then you see.
I find it funny how people assumed we'd know what the url said by now and thought it was a dumb idea. Trollnoda at it again with the change up
I think that Kiiara video has been posted in every thread, lol. I updated the Heavy lyrics thread with the video as she is singing lines from Verse 2 plus that thread confirms her feature and the song release date.