At least Paradise has strings intro which is okay. This? Pretty bland and generic just like BURN IT DOWN.
A thousand suns and Hybrid Theory were the other curveballs followed by Meteora? Even Living Things I would say hasn't been introduced with the single that has most mainstream potential.
You can only go through so many chord progressions in popular music (any genre of popular music: rock, soul, hip hop, pop, etc) so there are going to be inevitable similarities to other tunes. Not a bad thing though.
The fact that we've got HT-era LP fans and ATS-era LP fans complaining is your proof of the risks. Also, how was the catalyst ground breaking? For the band, it was something new. But that was it. You're just triggered right now because it's not the song like how you've built it up in your head. Calm down and wait for the whole song and album.
Are you seriously arguing that songs like "Lost in the Echo", "The Catalyst", and "Somewhere I Belong" aren't the songs with the most mainstream appeal out of their respective albums? Remember, you also have to look at what kind of music was considered mainstream at the time of the album's releases.
I think this album will be fine. All LP records have something that adds to the band's catalog of music. And I don't know what you'd expect from a lead single. I will admit, I have reservations because I do worry this will turn into Living Things 2, but I'm sure the band has something special up their sleeve after working on it for 2 years now.
Meh. Seems like burn it down, and I fully expect the full track to be basically exactly like it. I would love to be pleasantly surprised though. Hopefully they're just on some what I've done shit for the singles, and there will be some really interesting things going on in this album. But based off of this and the "lyrics" video showing their standard lyrics, I'm not too hyped. I like pop, but cannot stand the generic Linkin Park songs, ie Numb, Burn it Down (might as well add the entire first half of LT I guess) , Final Masquerade... Crossing my fingers for more "experimental" (for them at least) pop.
I feel like LP can do R&B and then maybe a heavy/ambient industrial record at some point. Maybe this is it but I can't tell yet.
It's sounds a bit like it could well be synth pop/rock, but other then that I wouldn't really say it reminds me of Burn It Down all that much. Maybe Powerless, but with an even more chilled vibe. Definitely digging it. I actually like the small vocal snippet you can hear as well, hopefully the final version is close to that in delivery. I do agree it does seem to have striking similarities with Mirror, but given I like that song it's no biggie. Wonder what Lil Wayne fans will think of it?
Not satisfied with the preview. I was thinking something like Bon Iver-ish, calm, hypnotic with vocoder kind of vibe. This is overdone, I've heard this many times.
Ok, I am a LP fan since 2000. Love them and will love them forever. I get it that they want to make ANYTHING but sth not like HT and meteora. And also understand that as chester's age goes up it would be hard for him to scream...I get it, and I tried to accept this change, no problem, But I feel that for this band being different than HT/meteora means to produce the popiest sound ever. I mean you can make something different but not THAT pop. Tehy can still make rock music but not copy pasting HT/meteora!! The only reason that I post this comment is that I still love them and go to their concerts and I am really sad that they just push themselves to make pop songs. And the sad thing that they are making similiar songs just like Living Things and ATS and the whole idea is to make sth different. Be differnt LP don't copy paste Living Things and ATS
HT and Meteora are pop albums too. Numb, Pushing Me Away, Breaking The Habit are pop-rock. All mainstream music is pop in a way.
I've always had this dream/hope that the very last album of their career will end up a back to the roots album. However, I don't expect it at all. I think Lost In the Echo is the last Nu-Metal thing we will ever heard from the band.
I personally look at Hybrid Theory and Meteora as the shining light in a genre that was misguided. I don't think LP EVER paying homage to nu-metal will ever be a good idea.