Linkin Park has never been really elaborate especially in the lyrics department but I think that's what makes it work. Sometimes you need a song that is just good to listen to and Linkin Park is one of the best bands at that. Listening to music is supposed to be fun and Linkin Park does that well.
That melody isn't working for me Those lyrics are too simple(patented Linkin park words) Still hoping that final version would be a masterpiece One_____=17 (Feb)
Like sure songs like Breaking the Habbit don't have complex lyrics but they are easily relate-able, catchy, and fun to burst out and sing along. With some bands that is all I am looking for. I have a feeling this song won't have any rapping in it. Unless you are talking about the album as a whole, then I could see it.
I think LP strikes a good balance at times. The band can make simple fun songs which work. From just bangers like Burn It Down and Wretches and Kings to well written imagery songs like Burning in the Skies to complex lyrical tracks like High Voltage. I really enjoy whatever they make regardless of what.
Yeah I was talking about the album. I'm not sure this one or the Kiiara one will have rapping but I hope we get some.
Surprisingly, I thought the melody was just "okay" when I saw the video. But for the past 3 hours, it's been stuck in my head now. That's a good thing. Means I'm digging this slowly. Regarding the URL thingy, it could actually be Mike trolling with "One Troll" . Never underestimate him and his trolling.
Hello guys. I'm new here in the forums but I discovered LPA in 2012 before Living Things. I feel that this album will be something more than special because the band took a different approach writing the music, and I'm eager to hear how it will turn out.
You referring to me? Sorry, mate... didn't see your post. My bad. Wanna split the credit if the speculation turns out to be right? 50/50? BTW, were you formerly known as Minus?
"I firebomb ghostly notes haunt this, I tried threats but moved on to a promise, I stomp shit with or without an accomplice, and run the gauntlet with whoever that wants this"
Weird opinion here, I actually just thought this after watching the clip a few more times, but the melody kinda gives off a bit of a country-ish vibe to me now.
Watch this actually be a rock ballad in disguise. I wouldn't take in too much of what we heard already as it will probably be completely different.
I've learned a long time ago to never judge or hold expectations for a LP record till ya hear it. Thought LT was their best album ever when it dropped, now my least fav. Came in expecting to hate THP, became one of my favs.
New album from an artist I like? "I hate this, it's garbage. Worst album yet!". A few months or even a few years later? "I love this album, so underappreciated!". Either that or it kind of levels out and I think it's just "ok". Too often I'll judge an album prematurely because it didn't live up to the unrealistic expectations I set for it. Regarding the upcoming album, I don't really know what I want out of it or what I'm expecting, so I get to just enjoy it this time. I didn't care for the way they marketed the last album and it kind of soured me on it a bit, I like what they're doing here.
Emily Wright sitting there, checking her inbox over and over again and wondering where her life went so wrong