I definitely and tbh I love that demo SO MUCH. In fact its probably my favorite unreleased demo from LPU EVER. Maybe thats why I also enjoyed this song more than the rest *shrugs*
It really sucks to be in the group of people who hate this but don't want them to go back to the HT/Meteora sound like a large contingent of people want. I want them to explore new territory but when there's already so much of the same sound around these days it's hard to make a case that they're "experimenting" on this album. *sigh* I guess I'll wait till 2020 for their next release. That is if they're still around. I get the feeling this album will draw criticism for them on an unprecedented level.
So after the 3rd Listen it grows on me a little bit. but i still think "Heavy" is better. Edit: Cheter sounds really good, but the Instrumental is too save imo.
ATS pissed fans off but it wasn't lazy. It was creative and had long songs with unique structures. I don't care too much about LP doing pop butthese songs aren't special. They're nice but boring. Not very creative at all. I want a chill soft album but if people think this is the only way to make soft music you must not listen to much music.
I definitely like it better than Heavy. Also the comparison with Ride made me like it even more. I'm on my second listening and oh boy, I really dig it.
I like this song as it is, Chester's vocals are really good imo. But the instrumentation is sooo boring. Why can't they add some nice melodies with real instruments? They always just do these boring synths. There really could be some variation. Also, it would be much better if it would be like 4 minutes, the bridge after the secong chorus is so good but really short and the song ends kind of abruptly. They often cut their songs shorter than they should be.
I agree. The only risk involved here has been "How will the fans react to this. thats the only risk they have been taking with this. And I don't think thats a good idea. I dunno if thats just wishful thinking or of that would actually be working, but I feel like, had this album followed Living things it would've recieved a warmer response. Honestly as contradictory as this sounds I don't want them to go back to their old sound but I do hope this album is followed by a THP2.
I was expecting a litte more work on the instrumentals... this and Heavy are very very simple (probally mike have done all the work alone and the others guys just added a little bit of instruments in the track). Heavy had a little bit of guitar, this track don't (or is very inaudible). At least the vocals are being worked out nicely! I hope the next songs have better instrumentals.
Same. I'm not one of those people who wants another HT or Meteora, I just want something creative. I'm listening to ATS right now and it's just ten times more interesting than what they're doing now. But I'll try to keep an open mind for the rest of the album.
Yes! agree. I really hope those 2 songs are the only upbeat poppy songs on the album. and I don't see any experimentation after 2 songs on OML at this point. Yes the Vocals are great (Light Years better than THP). but sonically are those songs save as fuck.
As someone who loves the production of modern pop, I am super pleased with this. And I just started liking Heavy a lot more again as well, so my initially low expectations for this album are muuuch higher... except in the lyric department, but I can take the loss there. It's fun watching all of the same few names post about how upset they are forty times in the same thread though. Can't wait for more tracks to be released for these delicious reactions. This is turning out to be an entertaining album cycle after all
The instrumental sounds kind of similar to LIED GREED MISERY when it comes to the vibe. I can imagine both songs back to back on one album.
There's nothing wrong with hating a direction they're going in, and you certainly don't have to blindly love everything they do. I knew the moment I heard Heavy that this was going to be a hate it or love it album, with absolutely no in-between. Hopefully you'll find something to love on this record.
I think it sounds pretty rad. And I love the posts from people who hate the song. For those of you as tired of the complaining as I am, try reading it in your head like a nerd with a stuffy nose who constantly has to push his and/or her glasses to their nose. It's fucking hilarious.
Managed to listen to the full song and whilst it's actually a nice song, I don't think this is the one they should have chose as the second single. Also, the song has too much of a 21 Pilots vibe which isn't good imo