Am very curious! If it's a new song, I hope it will be good. Otherwise, all this anticipation will only lead to disappointment. Though I guess you can't really be disappointed if the band gets back together to make new music!
I used to check the forum every now and then but it was always so silent. I never gave up on it, just like I never gave up on the idea of a Linkin Park comeback. Now it is happening. Coming back here now feels like a reunion. Seeing you guys here again makes my heart happy.
Still need to hear the studio version, but the new song sounds actually great. So much LP DNA in it, from the classic chorus to the build up/melodic bridge. Also going for a female vocalist instead a boring Chester wannabe is perfect. Color me excited.
Think Emily did very well, just thought her version of Crawling was a bit less. Too bad Rob left the band for good, but also Colin did very well, played tight!
Yeah count me in man! New, fresh, old school... it really has everything to go for it. And this was the first performance to boot.. let it grow and it will be just great! Stoked for the new album and ordered it!
The Emptiness Machine had me grinning from ear to ear. Buckle up, From Zero will be a short but sweet one folks. Just under 32 minutes in length.
It's easy to see why she was the choice, she has the ability to move her voice between screaming and singing the way Chester could, and even he lost some of that by 08-09. She could really rejuvenate some of the older songs and do them the way Chester did circa 2000-2004. She's clearly been watching the tape on Linkin Park live performances. I'm also glad that the band is attempting to move past Chester. It's healthy. We can't forget him, but he's been gone for 7 years and that won't be changing. All they can do now is try again with something slightly different. They're not the first legendary rock band to have to do this. But given the art direction and the mixing of the drums on the song, I think they're coming with some heat. I get the feeling this could be one of the more ambitious projects from the band, in line with A Thousand Suns or The Hunting Party. Vinyl has been pre-ordered. Welcome back everyone.
This was very cool and I am looking forward to the future, going to the store to buy a CD, listening to the new album, going to a concert, hanging out with the LP community... Here are some random thoughts: - I hope that they don't play it safe with the new songs and that they experiment a bit. - The album cover and new logo are pretty cool. - Also, From Zero is the first studio album title that doesn't contain the letter "T".