Kerrang is a specific magazine mostly aimed at those type of kids. Pretty much everyone i know listens to "indie" music now, hipsters are waaay out numbering scene kids. Greenday changing to fit in was necessary to appeal to a larger audience, i don't care for any of their music. I don't really care for what LB are doing, but, they're becoming the first nu-metal band to be completely outdated. Like Metallica are pretending it's the 80s, like AC/DC are pretending it's the 70s/early 80s. Just lame reunions for kids who still wish said genre was in its glory days.
Again this is just your opinion, no one elses, outdated is just a word, its also quite hilarious you say this on a LINKIN PARK FORUM, one of the main tour de forces in the nu-metal world, just because a genre isn't having its "glory days" doesn't mean nobody should listen to that music anymore, we don't all masturbate to whatever new band is atop the mainstream charts... And the day i listen to someone from Australia about the trends of music, is the day i take a gun to my head, isn't your biggest export Kylie Minogue?
You could have easily made your point without the ad hominem garbage. Settle down, brah; it's just music.
Holy shit it's Dean. Or have I just been checking the wrong threads? In any case, this is the other music part, a lot of people here aren't into Linkin Park anymore. And Linkin Park changed from nu-metal, a pretty fucking good idea. And you're clearly living in the fucking past, Kylie hasn't had any popularity since the days nu-metal was around lawl.
Not really living in the past, was at Download festival with thousands of followers when they were by far the best act, also seeing them at Leeds festival this year, along with some damn good bands, and looking forward to their new album, as i am for a lot of bands, my own choice... Maybe try worrying less about the latest fashions and trends and popular genres, and simply not replying to a thread if it is of no interest to yourself... Also, Linkin Park changed from Nu-Metal? New to me, i'm no musical analyst, but i could swear Blackbirds was almost identical to their earlier music
^ Blackbirds wasn't on a LP. They didn't put it on MTM exactly because it was reminiscient of their old nu-metal sound. They released it now just as a fan treat.
That would be AC/DC mate. Australia has one of the strongest music scenes out, you can crawl back under your rock now. Too bad you had to go say something so dumb, I agreed with the rest of what you said.
The point is, i don't know if you care but, nu-metal kids are punx, are metul kids, are glam douches, are grunge kids. The type you walk past and wonder why they haven't died out already. I really don't give a fuck about trends and popular genres, I listen to whatever sounds good to me, and for the most part every trend in rock music for the last 40 years didn't take long to sound fucking lame.
Oh wow your so cool +100 internet points Though its still hilarious you posting this shit against trendy bands on a Linkin Park forum
It's still hilarious that you're listening to Limp Bizkit, when they've been around for ~15 years, and are still playing the same tired shit now.