This song does great job at tricking people into thinking that it's good. Just put some Mike's rapping and random screaming into chorus, add some beats and noise and you got LP fans going crazy over it... 4/10 LIVING THINGS will be without a doubt their weakest album yet.
You are the omniscient guy, who knows everything. Your opinion is always objectively, and all who are thinking this song is good, are just dumb fanboys. Congratigulations
Exactly And I'm not a hater or one of those "BRING BAK Z OLD LP" folks. I'm really open minded when it comes to music and I wish I could like it. I really do...but I don't. :sadface:
My reaction best put by Ron Swanson: There's the rest of the album to concern myself with than this puny song.
Amazing song, after I heard it I was in shock lol. I get goosebumps when I play it in my car at full blast lol.
It sounds awesome, loving the energy of the song. And like many others have said before me, it gets better after every listen. Awesome!
Honestly, its like a mix of WaK, Reanimation, and HT. and I love it! I love the lyrics, the screams of "you did it to yourself" the singing of that same line. The other screams. I love it all, and the intro is just amazing. Top 5 LP song for me right now bring on LT, as it might be their best album ever!
Well that was different! Not quite as holycrapawesome as W&K was when I first heard it. But its still pretty good. That ending bridge/breakdown is epic and makes the song. Boy band my ass, its alot more going for it than that, Although it does remind me of some modern/indie bands that I'd usually see and dislike on "Later with Jool's Holland" - at least with the chorus, but it still has something about it that gives it replay value. & surprisingly the song length doesn't bother me much.
Fans reaction to LIES GREED MISERY: [table="width: 700, align: center, class: grid"] 25% OMG. I made kaka on my pants. I LOVED THAT SONG. 65% Oh. I don't know. Maybe I'll like that, but not now. I'm just trying to digest that. 30% View attachment 4652 [/table]