Double-whammy again - here's stuff that happened relatively recently featuring the prolific Alf. You may remember Alf from this post. ----- "G'DAY, ALF ..." Ree: minuteforce: YES! LizLP: xD Ree: In what context should we use ? Nish: When you're mindlessly abusing someone with a lot of expletives minuteforce: When you're talking about those bloomin' kids! Ryo Hazuki: It should be the one smiley that isn't context specific. Ree: I like the no context idea minuteforce: Guess that's cool Nish: or when you're referring to your rape dungeon Nish: Ree: Ryo Hazuki: There are four men sleeping on my couch. Nish: The screaming from the basement is keeping me up minuteforce: Rhinos doing it in my bedroom Nish: I like my women how I like my coffee...ground up and in the freezer Ree: Stop tickling my balls Ree: ...I dunno. ----- "G'DAY, ALF ... (REMIXED)" [We were discussing something innocuous and, all of a sudden -] Gloomy Mushroom: [@ Joe] We all know you have a hairy ballsack like Alf's. Joe: WTF... Gloomy Mushroom: Ree: ! minuteforce: Wild allegations. Joe: Where do you come up with this stuff? Ree: Joe's reaction hahaha Gloomy Mushroom: I watch Home and Away on a daily basis Joe: You know it's good because when do I ever reply with a capitalized "WTF". Joe: I think that's my first time. Joe: Plus, I'd be honoured to have a ballsack like Alf's. Ree: So Sarah watches Home and Away and thinks of Joe's ballsack? Ree: That's my conclusion. Gloomy Mushroom: Alf and Joe are the same people! Ree: Any man would be honoured, Joe. Gloomy Mushroom: Yes. I see Alf and I think of Joe's hairy ballsack. Automatic lady boner. ... Paolo: when is the next monthly mix-up coming? Ree: next month Ree: July right, joe? minuteforce: @Paolo: you can remix Joe's ballsack right now. minuteforce: Sarah will judge submissions. Ree: I want a dubstep ballsack remix wubwubwub Joe: Yeah, expect it July 1st. Paolo: awesome! I love remixing ballsacks Joe: Me too Paolo, me too.
Andreina: do you have other mascots? VeLLi: mascots??maybe a pet?? Andreina: ha ha yeah, sorry xD VeLLi: have a dog) VeLLi: and a sisterDD
I know you're not supposed to post about yourself but this was just too good to pass up. Plus it was a group convo, so it's alright? Right!? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LizLP: And Tim got it right - D3 is what I'm married to <3 turkishfan52: Tim dont offense bro i wish you best for yours life Timothy: You, me . . . and D3. Decay: Haha tim xD LizLP: I think turkish actually thinks we're married, Tim xD Nish: I've got the perfect picture for this scenario Nish: Lizmothy? Timothy: That's beautiful. LizLP: HAHahhaha xD lilj4425: Damn Liz is hot. Timothy: @Nish: HAHAHA Decay: haha that picture xD LizLP: Lilj - lol xDD Ree: Hahahaha, Nish. That's amazing. Timothy: That's my perfect woman.
This is your shoutbox on crack. ----- "SHIFTY" witeken: When was the rock in rio concert? Nish: Whenever you want! With the wonder of YouTube witeken: The concert of RiR that was added the day after is already removed (((( Timothy: WORST DAY OF YOUR LIFE? Nish: minuteforce: Has to be. witeken: -_- Ree: -___- minuteforce: [REDACTED] Joe: Everytime a LP show isn't pro-shot recorded, I DIE A LITTLE MORE INSIDE. 28thART: -_____- 28thART: yeh we do love you Joe: Yes. We do. Timothy: POST ASS PICS PLZ Joe: Ree: Thanks Joe: Joe: Joe: Joe: Baby Minus: Joe: 28thART: Baby Minus: Baby Minus: Joe: 28thART: Joe: Baby Minus: Ree: :-D Baby Minus: Joe: Joe: Baby Minus: Baby Minus: 28thART: Joe: Joe: Baby Minus: Joe: Baby Minus: Joe: Baby Minus: Baby Minus: Nish: Who's that? That's the cat burglar. Duuun dudu dun Baby Minus: Hybrid: Joe: Joe: Hybrid: :shifty Joe: Ree: Joe: Joe: Joe: Timothy: YOU FUCKED IT UP HYBRID witeken: spammers Baby Minus: Hybrid: minuteforce: Baby Minus: 28thART: Baby Minus: 28thART: Hybrid: THATS HOW I DO Joe: Joe: Baby Minus: 28thART: Fap Fap Fap Fap Fap Joe: HOLY FUCK THE RAIN IS HERE Baby Minus: Baby Minus: 28thART: Timothy: Hybrid: I SEE THINGS AND I FUCK THEM. I FUCK THEM UP! Ree: !!
You're welcome. minuteforce: And how did that thread only receive three replies?! Hybrid: No kidding! Baby Minus: I'll tell you Baby Minus: It's the Writer's Block. Baby Minus: That place is emptier than the list Joe put witeken in. minuteforce: That's empty.
turkishfan52: I can die for you Gloomy Mushroom: God kill me now. Someone. turkishfan52: I will die if Sarah wont be my gf. turkishfan52: turkishfan52: Sarah Gloomy Mushroom: I am going to put this as nicely as possible turkishfan. But go fuck yourself.
On August 12, 2009, one guy decided it was time to take one of the biggest steps in his life. He wrote his first shout in the LPA Shoutbox. Since that day, his life has never been the same. His name is.... Timothy: Timothy: Shout ... Shout ... Let it all out....
Getting banned is only the beginning ... -----"GUITAR HERO 3" [Guitar Hero 3.0 enters] BIGBU: hi guys again Zakaria: HELLO BIGBU: BIGBU: anyone see pinkpop? minuteforce: no BIGBU: there was no live stream yesterday but BIGBU: now on youtube are vidz [Guitar Hero lets slip that he is, in fact, Guitar Hero] Nish: is this guitar hero again? BIGBU: now on youtube are vidz minuteforce: Probably. BIGBU: BIGBU: i am new on LPA but i am lp fan since 2005/2006 minuteforce: A likely story. Nish: Excuse me while I go hand craft you a medal minuteforce: I'll plan a parade Nish: Decay here is in charge of confetti! Decay: Confetti? Decay: Hellz yeah! minuteforce: Today is now ["Guitar Hero"] day. Nish: Your guitar covers will blare over megaphones through city streets Nish: and EVERYONE will start slow claps in their living rooms minuteforce: Rhinos all over the world will mate. BIGBU: ok you recognised me minuteforce: While squirrels will spontaneously combust or something. Nish: no squirrels will be lit on kerosene, CATS will spontaneously combust minuteforce: And something about a brick to the face. I think. Nish: dick to the face, you brick! Obviously, at some point soon after this, Guitar Hero was banished again. But, later on ... ----- "GUITAR HERO 4" (you can also check out an alternate recap presented by Decay here) LEOROCK: hi lpa LEOROCK: who enjoy the rock am ring festival? Decay: Hi DonLeo, how've you been? [+10 for deduction skills] LEOROCK: it's sad that lp's ful rock am ring will'not relised LEOROCK: at home LEOROCK: but i am not donleo Nish: yet you knew decay was talking to you when he said it LEOROCK: i mean how you guess that i was donleo? [Decay points out all the obvious hints he noticed. It takes a while to get through them all.] minuteforce: Is Todd fucking with us? ;D Nish: Surely LEOROCK: Nish: Tell me, Leorock, who is clearly not donleo. Are you any good at playing the guitar? Nish: Any videos you'd like to share, perhaps? minuteforce: My parade budget is dry. Decay: Out of confetti Nish: My custom medal making materials have to be shipped in minuteforce: Whoa, make sure to put the brakes on that habit :* Decay: Let's give him a book 'guitarplaying for dummies' instead Decay: Throw that at him Nish: Or a ukulele LEOROCK: please don't be strong at me Decay: Decay: I'm a strong man man, what'ya expect? minuteforce: This is nothing. Decay: I work out. Nish: I'm a strong independent black woman who don't need no man LEOROCK: i know that some my cover are awful LEOROCK: and i don't like them too but it's very bad feeling for me to hear it from other people Decay: Leo sure knows how to rock LEOROCK: minuteforce: WITH 100% ACCURACY Decay: Ree: [+10 for appropriate Sheldon smiley] LEOROCK: don't like them too but it's very bad feeling for me to hear it from other people minuteforce: You know what also feels bad? Decay: A dick in the face? Nish: getting hit in the face with a dick Decay: Hah Nish Nish: Decay has just been one step ahead all day LEOROCK: hey LEOROCK: i am sorry guys LEOROCK: for that bad weords Decay: We sorry for you too LEOROCK: please forgive me LEOROCK: ok? Ree: No Decay: HAHAHAHA no. Ree: Why do you keep re-registering? LEOROCK: becov\use i feel sorry man Ree: Fuck off. Seriously. Todd: Uh, no LEOROCK: anyway Decay: becov\use, wow Decay: how do you even write that typo Nish: becourse its hard! [Guitar Hero is banned by Todd. For what is the fourth time.] Nish: And that's fourth time unlucky! EDIT: forgot to do this earlier - here are links to all of the "GUITAR HERO"-related chatbox excerpts which have been presented in this thread: - "#ALLCAPSEVERYTHING" - "GUITAR HERO" - "SEAMAN" (side-plot featuring Joe) - "THE SPY WHO ZEXED ME" (side-plot featuring Agent O) - "GUITAR HERO" (REPRISE) + "YOU'RE MY ZEXBOMB" - and, then, this post which you're currently reading.
Lol. Everytime minute outdoes himself, now with "editor's commentary" Dang the dude re-registered three times? xD, and Ree's legendary "fuck off" D:
Finally the original DoNLeo 'medal/parade/confetti' conversation. Awesome effort with editing all this and turning it into something resembling a narrative, minuteforce