WELCOME ----- (PRELUDE) manderin13: hello im a newbie nice to meet you all ----- "NO THY HEART" [We enter in the middle of manderin13's introduction in the shoutbox ...] manderin13: 坦佩塞尚·爱德华兹 this is my name! Kevin: okay... manderin13: Tǎn pèi sāi shàng·àidéhuá zī in phonetics Ree: tROCKS? manderin13: shi Ree Kevin: again? Ree: holy shit, is that you? manderin13: yes Ree: manderin13: i will behave this time Kevin: oh boy Ree: It's against the rules to sign up after being banned, tROCKS. Tim: manderin13: how do you know Chinese? @Ree manderin13: oh i now know manderin13: i miss lpa so much Tim: Ree isn't Chinese? manderin13: How did you know it was me? [Zak returns unexpectedly from the void ...] Zak: my comedy sensor was buzzing Ree: I have powers Zak: My God. Ree: secret Chinese powers Tim: manderin13: i have video surprise for you all, i did editing and it worked out nicely!! tell me what you think!! manderin13: [CENSORED FOR YOUR PROTECTION] Tim: Oh man. m_macdonald: I'm liking the tactic being used here by tRocks... Zak: This better not be what I think it is. Tim: ... Tim: I think I might have to leave the room. Ree: I guess I should watch it... manderin13: i remade it, its newest date is: june30 2012 Jesse: Ban it, Ree. Or hit it with a stick. Either way, it'll be hilarious. Tim: Ree: now I have two stories to tell you guys Zak: Tim: manderin13: is that the guy from spiderman? Jesse: Sure, he's from Spider-Man. Let's go with that. Ree: I have no idea what to do with tROCKS. Perhaps Amanda can deal with it Kevin: broke the rules before, and broke the rules by signing up again... seems obvious what to do to me Tim: HAVE YOU KNOW HEART, KEVIN?! Tim: *NO Tim: Dude. Tim: That was just plain fucking stupid. Kevin: hahahaha minuteforce: How did you ... Ree: hahaha m_macdonald: Tim, did you no, you have know heart? manderin13: btw, i am a chinese just as my name fits many times, so it was no spamming. i even discussed it with school right before i got out for pregnancy ;D manderin13: in school* it was also fine. i explained the same thing when i went to umsl manderin13: if i wasnt chinese, then i would of had broken the law Ree: The memories are all flooding back. Ree: I no what I have to do. manderin13: oh and im getting paid tons of money for me typing on Youtube the truth. in Gengbao Channel in the comments section in TKUYG m_macdonald: The truth? You mean, unlike when you came on Shoutbox and told us you were a newbie, which, considering it was the first thing you decided to tell us, was a complete lie manderin13: there's a ton of comments there all truth. if i made an editing boo boo, then i would correct it. as i did earlier today minuteforce: Obv., we can't handle the truth. manderin13: it's actually about the Quran and the Bible, im getting paid for manderin13: in chinese money and american money Ree: ... manderin13: there was a whole bunch of court cases that i discussed. manderin13: too manderin13: so, that was it's conclusion minuteforce: One day, we'll discover this was all some kind of unethical social experiment. manderin13: speaking of social, i came up with a ton of social movements. not the news have talked about it m_macdonald: [I can say] I've found that YouTube comments are a valuable resource for learning all manner of factually accurate information regarding the Bible and the Qur'an manderin13: i typed it on youtube because of it was an easy way of documentary for me to do. Royalty is new in accounts of youtube. not even Prince william have a Youtube account m_macdonald: Yeh, and Prince Williams normally has everything, ever Tim: You raise an interesting point, Ms. ROCKS. manderin13: thank you ;D manderin13: so who are royal watchers? m_macdonald: I tend not to watch them, they have people that look after them for me minuteforce: m's waiting for sex tapes to leak. Tim: Mike tends to watch twenty-something Swedish and Asian females. m_macdonald: No Tim, I haven't watched Liz in ages. It's -2 there, and that's too cold. Tim: hahaha Tim: "Fuckin' hell, it's too cold to stalk this slag." m_macdonald: ^ Bahahaha minuteforce: Ree: - Liz Kevin: it's actually +4, go right ahead m_macdonald: +4??? IN THERE! KERCHING! Kevin: outside manderin13: oh, if you facebook Prince Yoogeun, he and his sister are my kids! i have 7 of them-older ones!! i am future Queen of China &7 Han Geng is future King of China. it's not in docs yet. just the prince part remem. this is no spamming & im due in July!! manderin13: this is updates ;D manderin13: that's why my name fits into like 5 asian languages a lot of them are on my tkuyg page in the description. dont forget to click more!! m_macdonald: Queen of China? Now, I'm no expert on the topic, but I can foresee a number of potentially insurmountable problems with putting this theory into practice manderin13: plus im the founder of [infectant]. it's not in Chinese& other asian lang. yet, it is in eastern asia Ree: BOOM Tim: Hahahahaha Ree: WITCH INFECTANT minuteforce: Is that a statement about Chinese hygiene? Kevin: she's gone again minuteforce: Now, we'll never know. [As far as anyone can tell, manderin13 was banned at this point.] TL;DR: [YOUTUBE]HY-03vYYAjA[/YOUTUBE]